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Everything posted by SteveLyric2

  1. Absolutely!! Its whats known as a 'blue print'!!
  2. No return to UK racing for Piotr in 2015 according to Speedway Star!!
  3. Wasn't meant as a p*$$take! It was a serious question. Rosco was down in Poole on Sunday. He knows his options and as he says in the statement this morning , once he's sorted the heat leader position he'll know which way to go! Maybe he's just waiting for the cash from the Doyle transfer to be sorted out to be able to confirm another top rider??!!
  4. Cam Woodward has withdrawn from the Aussies as he is not yet fully fit and wants to concentrate his efforts on being ready for his European season.
  5. Is it 2 over 7 or 7 and over?? Similar situation to the 'only 1 over 8 points' a few years ago - just needs clarifying?!
  6. Holder 8.75 Kurtz 4.52 North 6.57 Milik 6.34 Janowski 7.50 Total 33.68 or Holder 8.75 Kurtz 4.52 North 6.57 Holder 5.00 Ward 8.70 Total 33.54 ??
  7. Just pick the next highest in the draft list - simples!
  8. If it had been a speedway rider, he'd be ostracised by many - especially on forums like this - even if he wasn't found guilty!!!
  9. I understand it was the fact the lady 'got both barrels' that proved him guilty!!!!
  10. Agree. It was supposedly done that way by the PL promoters who were also fearful of facing rider wage demands from those 6+ EL wanting to double down.
  11. Maybe the BSPA would/have sponsor/ed his work permit application - plus whoever owns his contract??!
  12. I see that its also been reported that one of Evans' family members is pleased and fully supportive of Hartlepools' decision!!!
  13. Mondays or Saturdays?? What a choice!!!!
  14. I've asked Neil Watson on the BSPA AGM thread to clarify.
  15. Poole were given the first opportunity to host it in 2014 but turned it down due to the financial guarantees that the FIM were demanding!! (I was told a six figure sum!!). No other British club could/would take it on - hence it going to Poland! Matt Ford said at Poole's Awards night that Poole had again been given the chance to host it in 2015 and that it was under serious consideration, with April 24/25 the preferred date. He said the finances still 'frightened' him but he was prepared to investigate further before making a decision! Personally, without some mega additional sponsorship/funding - if only to pay for increased temporary seating - I can't see it ever being viable in the UK, despite the FIM wanting the competition to eventually be a 4-round series!!
  16. There is no such person in British Speedway!!! (ps. if you mean Peter Oakes, then I guess we'll have to accept he's as close to independent as we are likely to get - never having been involved in anything speedway-related previously!!!)
  17. Isn't there a chance that the 7 point average might still be reduced to 5.00 at the meeting the BSPA have with UKBA in January?? Its all quite nicely explained in Speedway Star!!
  18. A typical 'blue-tint' Ippo response about an 'away' rider!! Any Barker provocation by any chance?? But then why would you want to know?
  19. Presumably his visa application will need a new club 'sponsor' unless the BSPA authorise it?! If his average is assessed at 7.00 for a PL club - what if an EL club took a risk with him, what would the average be then?? 4.20 ? (7 x 0.6)? Or for example would it be like Milik at Poole this year on 4.00, or even lower?
  20. Thanks Neil. How about another? With a rider like Jack Holder (now not a Somerset rider due to assessed 7 points) - what average would he be on if he were to sign for an EL club??
  21. That's the reason most riders are in their respective teams!!!!
  22. If that's a new rule that you can only comment on things if you were there, then I am really looking forward to seeing many 'Gavan-free' Poole threads in the future!!
  23. You clearly don't know North any more than you know Barker. You have no more idea of what was in North's mind than I do. Its just your opinion as it is mine!!
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