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Everything posted by SteveLyric2

  1. So who is it that thinks the majority of Pl clubs aren't up the very same s#!t creek as the EL?!
  2. I wasn't there!! First one I've missed for a very long time!!
  3. With Piratecast primarily being an unofficial podcast about the Pirates - usually a one hour talk show between 2 fans on a Thursday evening - they took to adding a bit of commentary and footage of some selected good action to help stimulate conversation in the Piratecast chatroom and on their Twitter and facebook pages. As was said on another thread, if all clubs are to impose a 'stop and search' policy at the turnstiles an d stop people taking phones and tablets in with them, that would likely be the quickest way of reducing attendances than anything else. I can't see that anything will stop an enthusiastic and supportive fan recording a bit of action (whether using the periscope app or not) and tweeting it to their followers?! You never know it might actually entice more new fans to attend??!
  4. Keep up Steve, the Piratecast boys were using periscope for most of last season - choosing selected heats as a taster for fans that couldn't attend!! I think it could be counter-productive to use it for whole live meetings - a bit like Sky really!!
  5. Surely Swiderski as the lowest average rider (excluding the reserves), will cover for one of the 2nd strings/double uppers and it'll be r/r for the other if they are both missing the same meeting?! It was stated in the official BSPA announcement following the AGM that 'no guests would be allowed to cover for missing 2nd strings' - only r/r!! Well that's perfectly ok when only one is missing but when both are missing there has to be a solution. Maybe wrong to call it 'squads', but in essence that's what it is, rather than naming a weak number 8 to cover!!
  6. Nigel Leahy, Poole's centregreen presenter and quizmaster, runs his own Events, Design and Presentation company - MMX Events - which amongst a whole range of services offers the 'Electronic' Quiz Show' as a commercial and interactive enterprise. It needn't just be speedway oriented as it can be themed to whatever the group/organisation/club requires. Poole's very active 'Rider Equipment Fund' committee usually holds one quiz a month during the winter months although this winter - due to a combination of illnesses and the unavailability of some key committee members - there has only been 2, which is a shame. It looks very unlikely that there will be a third one in February with the Darcy evening and the Pearson and Tatum evening already scheduled - but you never know?!!
  7. Set your diaries forum fans for Sunday 21st February at Rugby Town Hall at 1 pm. New BSPA Chairman Keith Chapman announces a Fans Forum, with a panel of promoters and possibly a couple of riders staying on from their separate meeting in the morning?! 300 places up for grabs - check the BSPA website www.speedwaygb.co
  8. Actually 4 members missing but hey, you have to give the other teams a chance. They thought about 'rider replacement' but realised that would only work for one team member. Unfortunately the squad system for the quiz is not currently in operation!!
  9. The online versions aren't 'dying a death' at all!!! Whilst not disagreeing with the overall point your post is trying to make, I think your example has a few inconsistencies. For example In 1987 Poole were in the National League (2nd division) so a like for like comparison with a 2015 club would make a better argument. Also the VAT issue has to be taken account of. The inflation tracker that I use also puts the figures at £2.70 in 1987 = £7.08 in 2015.
  10. Surprised speedway doesn't attract more Polish fans in the UK??!
  11. To go with his inflated average no doubt!!!?
  12. Very similar to the WSL concept although more 'contained'!!?
  13. Why?? It hasn't been in previous years, although I agree it ideally should be but why would any non-competing club want to host it?!
  14. If its going to be in UK, with BV in the competition its more likely to be at the National Speedway Stadium?!
  15. Not sure you would get any dispensation unless you made a personal appeal to the Chair of the BS................Oh hang on a mo?!
  16. Not too sure that Fridays will be a long term option either, with the top Polish league arranging some (upto 7 I think) league fixtures on Fridays this season?!!!!
  17. I thought every club had to stipulate a second race night (rain-off night?) each week? What is Leicester's and why can't that be used?
  18. Good positive news on the new stadium. In the meantime, Rosco must have overdone it on the ski slopes last week - he's off to hospital for a hernia op now!! Get well soon Al.
  19. As I understand it the 'squad/job share' option is only for doubling up 2nd strings - unless that has been changed at Tuesday's BSPA meeting. Talk of job shares/squads to include heat leaders was initially being looked at for 2017!!
  20. This is all about covering for the 2nd string double-downers when both are missing the same EL meeting! r/r for one and a regular replacement (squad member?) for the other to appease the majority of fans who forever complain about the over-use of guests!!
  21. I see the Sunday 27th is provisional?! Poole are showing Good Friday evening for the Swindon meeting at Blunsdon - also provisional?! The Poole v Swindon meeting on 25th March in the morning is currently showing as 1100 am start - but I guess this might also change if there is no rush to get up to Blunsdon?! Watch this space..........
  22. It was announced after the AGM that any missing 2nd string doublers could only be covered by r/r as most fans dislike the guest rule!! However if both double-uppers are missing from the same meeting then there has to be a solution for one of the positions with the other being r/r. Teams that have built their 1-5s without any double-uppers may not be affected, even if they have a strong tier 1 reserve who gets into the 1-5, as that will still only require 1xr/r when he is missing.
  23. I've made this point before on the 'Barry Hearn' topic, but his success and business acumen has been with 'individual' sports - Snooker, Darts, Boxing - where he or his company manage, control and dictate to all (or most) of the participants and the venues that he promotes in. All those sports are also indoors (not sure if that is relevant when comparing to speedway?). He - or a company like his - would need total control of speedway which could make it more of a 'sporting circus' ( a bit like the WWE in America and now worldwide) - not necessarily a bad thing but totally against many of the 'purists'.
  24. Its a 'points limit' FFS - that usually means not to exceed that number of points!! Nothing about how far below you have to be!!!! In the current scenario of apparent rider availability it wouldn't have mattered if the limit was 50!!
  25. Didn't think it was an 'emergency' meeting?! 3rd Tuesday of the month as usual!! Lets just hope there are no stitch-ups over the Promoters who aren't there?! ps. Where's Lewis Bridger riding??
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