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Everything posted by SteveLyric2

  1. Looks like the riding order is:- Swindon:- 1.JD, 2.JG, 3.RT, 4. NM, 5. JS, 6.SN, 7.CW. Poole:- 1. CH, 2. AE, 3.KB, 4. BP, 5. HA, 6. BK, 7. KN. Could be a very tight one!!!
  2. looks as though there's some positive progress with Watty's off-track issues, so expect his head to be back in the right place and some quick improvements with his scores. ;-)
  3. Surely Walasek has found some form now and Ulamek is over his 'wrist injury', so can't they be re-signed?!
  4. They just watered it a bit too late. The weather forecast taken earlier in the day was for some light showers in late afternoon/early evening. As the day progressed it became apparant that the light rain was not going to happen so the track was (over?) watered shortly before the start which went some considerable way to creating some of the issues with the racing surface. Thats not to say there aren't still some issues with the base which will be sorted asap.
  5. I am neither your pal nor your mate, nor am I blind - although I do suffer with the occasional sight issue so thanks for your concern!!!! Your earlier post took issue with MF's responsibility for the track. My assumption (correct as was obvious) that you hadn't read the full articles was because MF stated clearly that 'he was working to provide the best surface possible' . Your other comment about rules was also taken out of context (surprise surprise) as he stated 'he didn't want to hear any more about rules, tracks or anything else'!! Doubtless we shall continue to suffer your inane jibes about your least favourite club even though 'you have nothing against Poole or any of its riders'!!
  6. Seeing the light and switching it on are 2 very different things!!!
  7. See my post #39. Poole are expected to be at full strength (whatever that currently means ) subject to no further racing injuries over the weekend. So you haven't read the full articles then!!!! Just your usual ill-informed bo//ox!
  8. Just to put things in a little bit of perspective, Poole have just been well beaten at home and haven't won away yet this season - however 'strong' they appear to be on paper!! Matt Ford has lambasted the team for 'moaning and underperforming' (in today's local Echo - not yet in the online version so you'll have to take my word for it for the moment), telling the riders/team to 'SORT IT OUT'....'NO MORE EXCUSES'....'PUT UP AND SHUT UP'!! Whilst also accepting that the track was not up to scratch on Monday and work is being done 'to make sure we give them the best surface possible in light of the conditions that get thrown at us!' I'll put the link up as soon as its online - unless someone gets to it first.
  9. Poole will be at full strength (subject to anything untoward over the weekend!!) with our 'top 3' (Hans, Chris and Buzz) back in their heat leader positions. Ellis and Pedersen as 2nd strings Kurtz and Newman at reserve. Swindon's top 3 will hopefully be Doyle, Tungate and Sedgman; with Wright and Nielsen back in their original EDR positions.
  10. If we are to take all your opinions as being fair-minded and without any anti-Poole bias, why don't we see any other of your opinions about young riders learning their craft and a crust at EL level, or is it just that you won't admit to your obsession with most things Poole-related?? It really is rather worrying - a bit like being stalked I would imagine?!
  11. Does tonight's meeting affect those averages or are the Issue 13 figures the final figures for Monday 30th onwards?? If not, then for next week's meetings against Poole, Swindon's top 3 will be Doyley, Tungate and Sedgman. Poole's top 3 will be Hans, Buzz and Chris Holder. 2nd strings will be Nick and Josh v Bjarne and Adam. Reserves Wright/Neilsen and Kurtz/Newman. Assuming both track surfaces will have had some work done on them, it should be an interesting week!!
  12. Well he should learn it at Plymouth then - or aren't you that familiar with other PL tracks?! Not Poole bashing?? But I bet you've put nothing on the Plymouth/Brady threads in the PL section?! No I thought not.............!!
  13. Mick's entitled to call it off if its going to have a negative effect on his business!! ;-)
  14. Didn't work though did it??!! No serious injuries on Monday! In fact I can't recall any serious injuries at Poole due to track conditions recently. Belle Vue riders loved it!!
  15. Can any Aces fans clarify? I can understand why the NSS was designed without some sort of roof - despite the various fact-finding missions to Polish stadia etc - the key reason being one of cost I would imagine?! But did I not read amongst all the pre-publicity about the NSS during the construction stages that there were purpose-designed track covers being supplied?? Or have I imagined that?? Not a criticism at all - just a query. I think its a fabulous effort by all concerned.
  16. They do at most tracks away from Wimborne Road - well most tracks with a grandstand!!!
  17. Brady getting some extra racing in by joining Kyle and brother Todd at Plymouth. Good move with no Pirate fixtures for a month after next Wednesday v Swindon!!
  18. If Doyley is not back by the Bank Holiday meeting then the choice of guests is limited due to the 6 EL clubs riding that day. Lakeside and Leicester being the exceptions - so AJ would be Swindon's best choice I guess, if they could get him over.
  19. Some people seem to be forgetting that there is still a Poole Stadium Redevelopment Scheme sitting in someone's desk/filing cabinet or whatever which is primarily awaiting both serious funding and the Council/leaseholder's approval. Whilst there hasn't been much in the local media about it recently, alongside Poole Council's plans to improve the town centre area, its still up for discussion. If there is any likelihood of such a development proceeding, then I wouldn't blame Matt Ford for not shelling out huge money to 'rip up' the track now. However there is still scope to smooth out the base in certain areas which does need to be looked at. Gerald Richter's request for better shale a couple of seasons ago was taken notice of and duly supplied, so he is listened to!!!
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