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Everything posted by SteveLyric2

  1. She is a ref remember!!! lol :-) Better than a Jimmy Krankie impersonator!! ;-)
  2. I do hope the scoring is 4320 otherwise its not a proper Pairs meeting!!
  3. Next season its likely to all change again. The Poles are talking about extending the 'priority' issue to their 2nd division meetings, due to a new TV contract!!? Added to that is the talk of restricting foreign riders to 2 per team in the Polish Extraleague. One things for sure we haven't heard the last of it!!!!
  4. Harris and Nicholls for the Rockets. I'll wager there will be at least one change to the 8 pairs named to date!!!!!!
  5. Christina Turnbull - more fans than Nicola Sturgeon!!! :-)
  6. I don't think many people really begrudge riders earning where they can - its the priority issue that is causing the problem. NKI states in this week's Star that he wanted to ride in the UK this year but couldn't due to the Polish rules. He feels riders should ride in as many leagues as they want!! Aside from the obvious risks of 'burn-out' (which NKI acknowledges), surely its all about the terms of the contract that each rider has with their respective club(s). If a rider can't give the kind of commitment to the club that offers the contract then the club shouldn't sign him!!
  7. Who paid for several of the young Aussies when they first came over to ride in the PL - Poole!! Matt Ford and before him Mervyn Stewkesbury - and no doubt some other British Promoters. Nobody is blaming the riders for seeking the money while its there and its extremely unlikely to affect any Premiership fixtures because there aren't any on Poland's nominated race day - Sunday. Its the priority for rearranged meetings that is causing the issue. Why should a British club lose a rider that they have financed just on the off chance of that rider getting an occasional meeting in Poland, but having to be there anyway - especially when the Poles already have a squad system!?
  8. All shoes and boots at 50% discount?? ;-)
  9. The issue surely is not to stop them coming over in the first place but simply have the cojones to make them sign a watertight contract with the backing of the FIM.
  10. The Swindon statement in the Star says that 'at the current time there are no fixture clashes' !! Its the rearranged fixtures rather than the regular Sunday meetings that cause the risk of a problem to the Premiership clubs.
  11. Looks like you'll miss seeing him on Good Friday too - if he progresses in the Polish Golden Helmet competition!!!
  12. Poole's crowds have remained fairly strong with the same pricing over the past 5 years. As MF said at the forum last night the Leicester meeting last year was promoted strongly with Free and heavily reduced admission prices. The crowd that night was 3200 including most Poole Councillors and the Mayor, but Matt lost money on the meeting and the crowd was not sustained in following weeks!! That might say more about Leicester than Poole but all promoters must be mindful of their business first and foremost. Costs including rider wages etc do not reduce when admission charges are reduced.
  13. It'll be even more interesting in 2018 if the Poles carry out their 'threat' to limit each team to only TWO foreign riders!! Lets see who changes their tune then!!!
  14. I think its more an issue for Peterboro's Sunday meetings, but well done Matt - if a little late in the day!!! This should have been the BSPA stance as soon as the Polish rules were announced. Not sure who else it may affect other than the 3 GP riders?!
  15. I see Poole are supporting the Peterborough stance of refusing to sign the necessary paperwork for Jack Holder to have priority to race for Torun!! A bit late in the day - but a strong move nevertheless.
  16. Just a thought - but I wonder how long it'll take clubs to remove the Sky Sports logo from all their merchandise, websites and promotional material and replace it with BT SPORT?? I bet there will be more than a few P&P days with the Sky Sports logo still highly visible!!
  17. Just wait til the Poles start rearranging their fixtures for mid week!!!
  18. 3 times if they are prepared to travel to Wolves and Poole!!
  19. Shameful if true - BUT ITS NOT IS IT?! Under 5s are FREE; 5-10s are £4; 11-15s - £7; Students 16 and over - £12.; OAPs/Concessions - £14. Adults - £17. Every club has its own demographics in its own local area and should be able to set its own prices accordingly - it is a business after all. I note some clubs are charging £18 per adult!! I know I shall probably be going out on a limb here, but I don't actually believe that future attendances should be relying on getting kids in Free. Many clubs have and do try this but has it worked consistently - NO. I think the key target audience should be the 18-25 (or even 30) age group - ie those with some spending power who need to be attracted to spend their dosh at the speedway, on a regular basis, through much better use of social media and incentives at colleges and Universities There I've said it now.
  20. I don't think this Poole 1-7 will win the Premiership ----- BUT I do think Poole will still win it!! :-)
  21. I'm not disagreeing with you. I've said in an earlier post that either the rule is wrongly written/interpreted or the average is wrongly listed. Whichever is correct I'm not sure if it affects any other team/rider?( I think at least one other line-up could be challenged based on the wording of a rule in the same section). I guess we'll know when the BSPA finally approve all the announced 1-7s
  22. Well it is the Easter School holidays so we'll have to wait and see.
  23. I know its already on the Coventry thread but just to confirm Poole v Coventry Challenge on April 19th. Chris Harris to be in place of Kenneth Bjerre.
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