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Everything posted by SteveLyric2

  1. I really won't have any issues with the end result as long as Poole ride to their best form and there are no e/fs or crashes for either side and the ref is consistent throughout. Whoever wins what I expect and hope will be a very tight meeting, I will be supporting them in the final. ;-) Lets hope the track guys can start doing their thing in plenty of time after the greyhounds finish.
  2. After a very late night and a longer than usual lie-in I think I may have woken up in 'cloud-cuckoo' land!!! For far too many years the BSPA Championship clubs (with the help of a Championship promoter as Chairman) have outnumbered and often out voted their Premiership colleagues on a number of important issues!!! One example, when the 'draft reserve' system was introduced to 'weaken' the top league, the then Elite clubs proposed a reduction in admission prices to reflect the 'weaker' product. This was out voted by the then PL clubs who were in some cases only charging £1 less than the Elite clubs but who said they couldn't afford to drop their prices. The '2-Brit' reserves should have been first adopted by the Championship clubs - but yet again NO - it was up to the Premiership teams to 'bite that particular bullet'! Finally, despite all the doom and gloom merchants - how many Premiership/Elite clubs have disappeared by going bust in recent years, as against the number of Championship/PL clubs threatening to do so?!
  3. This is a Premiership thread not Championship!!!!!!
  4. Never have I seen so many straws being clutched!!!!!! lol
  5. Isn't it awful how some posts can come back to haunt you?! I hear BWD legged it from Scunny and turned up at the NSS expecting to ride, but the gateman wouldn't let him in cos he wasn't on the rider list. Shocking really.
  6. To be fair, in hindsight 28 days without KK would have given us a much better start to the season!!
  7. Lakeside looking to return to top flight next season according to Jon Cook interview in SS this week. He has asked to attend the pre- AGM (as an observer) to get the final league structure, fixed nights and points limits before discussing first with his Arena Essex Raceway landlords and then the BSPA.
  8. It might carry more weight if you use the correct averages?! And we haven't even got the final figures yet, let alone the team-building points limit!!
  9. 'Independent'?? SCB? You must be joking!! ;-) ;-) ;-)
  10. If the promo/rele meetings do happen I hope the respective promotions give themselves a stern talking to!! I can see Damian Bates huddled in a pit corner somewhere mumbling hysterically to himself!! :-) :-)
  11. Personally I don't have any issues with Agent THJ guesting - if he does?! Even at reserve it'll depend on what machinery he's on. Even on his own bikes he's not exactly been racking up the points anywhere!! ;-)
  12. Whilst accepting that most on here are rightly giving their opinion from a fans point of view, what about the sponsor's view? There are several - perhaps many more - that want to see the top (SGP) riders back because it adds value to their commercial brand. More importantly they would be prepared to fund them if fixed nights are agreed especially if TV are still involved. TV would also be keener to see some of the bigger names racing here.
  13. Who are these 'handful of teams' in the upper league??? A 10-12 team 'upper league' is being talked about.
  14. I'd have thought that if Swindon are paying for THJ to fly in from Sweden for Friday's meeting, they would want to get there moneys worth and include him on Monday also.
  15. I hate to burst that particular bubble but there is no Monday 3rd or Weds 5th October in this year's calendar!! If you're talking the promotion/relegation meetings they are currently scheduled for Monday 9th and Wednesday 11th/Thursday 12th!!
  16. Great to see all the reasoned discussion about the topic once again!!!
  17. ...As indeed have Bike/engine manufacturers, tuners and riders increased their respective demands!!!
  18. I'm sure I read somewhere a while back that the BSPA will recognise One Sport events (SEC and Pairs) if they announce their dates when the international list is being compiled and agreed and the dates don't subsequently clash with a SGBP fixture - the latter being more than possible if the BSPA approve fixed race nights next year. In general I would agree with the BSPA's previous stance on this - if you give in to one Promotions company's decision to stage a meaningless competition just for the money it brings in, whats to stop any other Sports Promotion doing similar??
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