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Everything posted by SteveLyric2

  1. Can't disagree with that sentiment, as it may apply to at least 2 or 3 riders!!
  2. Tony R was on £180 a point. plus a few other bits and pieces that most of the other top riders would expect as part of their 'deal'! As for the Greg rumour, lets not forget that Gordon Pairman would probably have some influence in either Poole or Glasgow camps?!!
  3. Greg's average when he rode for Poole in 2013 was 8.77 I think. I wonder what it would be reduced by - whoever he may ride for?
  4. Don't shoot the messenger. I merely shared the chat going on amongst several of Poole's sponsors - many of whom still sponsor Adam (Just look at his kevlars/cap/covers) - over the last few meetings. If its true, it may merely be a financial agreement between MF and Jon Cook, with Lakeside considering coming back to the top league and MF no doubt looking to build his asset base with riders still competing. It doesn't necessarily mean he'll ride for Poole in 2018 As with most teams' 1-7s it'll come down to numbers as it always does.
  5. No multipliers or dividables. NKI will come in on 9.04 - his effective average from 2016
  6. Understandably non-committal So who is Adam an asset of now?
  7. The article by Peter Oakes in the SS last week says "He (Holder) would be an absolute snip on his current 7.16 green sheet average and it will be a major surprise if Pirates boss Matt Ford, who helped Holder prepare his appeal, doesn't ask him to be back at Wimborne Road in 2018". Also earlier in the same article, "The (ACU) decision will allow him to get clearance for a work permit that was threatening to stop him living in England". So Chris still intends to race in the UK - unlike some that have suggested otherwise - and the work permit application will need to be sponsored by a UK club.......... I think with Kurtz, C.Holder, Shanes and Woryna there is ample opportunity to sign an 8.08+ heat leader and some strong 2nd strings within the rumoured points limit. (ps. I don't think Hans will be in the team)
  8. So back from a week out of the country and not much hard news it would seem - other than Chris Holder's shortened ban and 50% reduction in fines by the ACU. Interesting to read that Matt Ford assisted Chris with his appeal, so it would seem they've resolved their past differences!? I think they will await the AGM before announcing the Number 1
  9. There was some talk about appointing a new Chief Executive for the BSPA from outside of the sport?!
  10. Is that with additives or without?! Or does it depend on the size of the tank?
  11. If you are going to highlight Poole Speedway at least use the right colour - Blue! As for ruining discussions, any of McCaffrey's posts could be highlighted in Yellow as they p!$$ so many people off!!
  12. It won't be Wednesdays as that'll mean fewer Danes available and there are not enough riders already - especially in an expanded Premiership!! It'll be Mondays/Thursdays - nailed on!!
  13. Not sure how you can say that as we don't know all the clubs or 1-7s yet? I wouldn't mind betting there will be more 'top' riders in next season's Premiership than this year's!! With Rosco reporting that the title-winning team will be split up - as happens with most title-winning teams - I wonder if that applies just to the 1-7??
  14. I left off the emoji!! No argument whatsoever - no more than there's a valid argument to use any multiplier!! Just use their 'real/assessed' averages.
  15. But if the league is attracting back some of the top riders - not Kildemand specifically - then the league should be stronger not weaker!!
  16. People complaining that the rules are too complicated seem to want to make it more so!! The heat leader races in the 2015/2016 were theoretically harder as they were racing against other heat leaders more in that race format. If anything, for any heat leader with a high average from a harder race format who didn't race this year, there is an argument to reduce their 2016 average accordingly to suit a weaker league in 2018?!. But why? Just use their 2016 'real' average unless they've been out with a serious injury
  17. Oooh I guess I'll have to get more used to Danish pastries then!!!!!!!? ;-) ;-)
  18. Inflated averages were only brought in for team building this season after the EL and PL rode to different race formats in 2016. If a rider did NOT double up in 2016 then his inflated average was used. If he did double up then his PL average was used for team building to a 50 point maximum in the Premiership With the 2017 race format being the same in both leagues this season their is no need to use any figure other than what riders actually achieved this season.
  19. NKI will be on his 2016 EL average of 9.04 - unless its deemed to be adjusted downwards due to his injury?!
  20. Magic may well be tempted back as he has so much sponsorship in Poole - something he doesn't get in Sweden apparantly, even though he may sign up in Sweden again?! But he won't make any final decision until his season is over and he's had a chance to take a break!!
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