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Everything posted by SteveLyric2

  1. Just because Poole might not win doesn't mean they 'choked'. I don't recall Ipswich being accused of choking when Poole's half a team put it over them at the foxhole too earlier this season
  2. Wherever Bomber rides in 2020, don't forget Somerset who may well be back in whatever the top league is?
  3. I see Bomber is taking more unnecessary risks by guesting for the Stars again tomorrow - or maybe its the money on offer?
  4. If you bothered to actually read what I wrote rather than getting into yet another 'I know better then you' strop, I never stated that Eurosport was on Freeview ! I stated that Eurosport (or the Discovery group if you prefer) have other channels that are available on Freeview for example Quest and Quest Red, which have previously been utilised to show sports including speedway and other motor sport. I really don't know how that amounts to ignorance - merely stating a fact - something that someone such as yourself claims 'to know something about'!
  5. Eurosport do have more than the 2 main sports channels to utilise if required - free to air on Freeview too!!
  6. The Poole v KL Supporters Cup meeting will be Poole's end-of-season fixture in October , so expect some sort of incentives for people to attend.
  7. I guess the request for r/r to cover Masters non-speedway related absence is a request for 'special dispensation'? Not having a go at Wolves or Sam - just asking, in light of Lambert missing a flight last week and KL having to use a NL rider?!
  8. If that is correct, why are there so many more serious injuries on the smooth, well maintained and prepared Polish tracks??
  9. He'll probably be at Somerset in the top league next year!!!
  10. Does anyone else not have a clue what this post is about? No? Just me then.....!
  11. Definitely not!!! In what other walk of life would you prefer smooth over a bit of bump and grind for excitement? NB. If by some quirk of fate and a good performance Poole do finish top, does that make Poole better than Swindon or Wolves/ Just asking......?
  12. Hopefully they'll have more time to work on it next Monday?!
  13. Your post seems to suggest that only 'some Ipswich riders' were definitely riding within themselves? I would venture to suggest that so were at least a couple of Poole riders. Steve Shovlar has his own opinion, as do I and clearly you. His and mine are all just opinions based on being there. Yours is based in a TV version of the meeting that cannot be forced on others just because one person thinks its right.
  14. They've already got links with IOW and KL (The Chairman) and possibly others. I think there is the slow but sure realisation amongst the Polish hierarchy that their dominance - particularly financially - is doing little to further the sport Europe-wide. To be honest if the Poles paid riders 50% of what they currently pay they would not lose any riders BUT it may get some of them to reconsider where else they race.
  15. Yes Quest and Discovery etc are all part of the Eurosport stable.
  16. BT's GP coverage is a totally seperate contract to that for domestic speedway. Its with different organisations for starters.
  17. So I was there in my usual seat high up in the grandstand and watching it live as well as just watched the TV coverage for a different view. Firstly I thought the referee's decisions were spot on apart from allowing Danny King's rolling start, including all the startline warnings. Yes the 1-2 bend had some bumps which quite honestly weren't there last week!! I don't know how or why although the rest of the circuit rode very well for everyone. I do know that the track guys could only get on the track from mid afternoon because of the greyhounds and auction which is not usually the case but can happen on Monday meetings. Not sure if that had any bearing on matters last night. Race times were on a par - if not slightly faster - than last Thursday. As for the track being dangerous - as according to some its been for several years(?) - you'd think that riders would have worked it out by now?! Lawson was quick all night; King did his usual good first half then tailed off; Bomber was Bomber and NKI likewise. Anyway onto the racing, Poole won but it wasn't as easy as the score might suggest. Beforehand many were saying Poole's reserves and former reserve Covatti were the weakpoints but they proved everyone wrong as it was a couple of heatleaders that were below par. Particularly pleased for THJ who was in a German hospital for 6 hours on Saturday after a Longtrack crash and as the TV showed was clearly suffering with an arm injury!! Both reserves got paid 7 - no complaints there. Nico Covatti was immense, setting his best time of the season beating NKI in heat 1 I guess with only one remaining league meeting left, if we are to make the final then Nicolai will likely be at number 1 from October 1. Onwards and upwards.
  18. Hey Gav chalk this one up. You actually agree with Middlo. He's just said on Radio that if Poole go top Poole will pick Ipswich. Well done.
  19. As things stand at the moment, Poole won't be picking Swindon, but Swindon may well pick Poole to guarantee two bumper crowds (home and away). Assuming Swindon beat Poole then a Swindon v Wolves final will also draw great crowds for both, as would Poole ve Wolves to be fair.
  20. Don't worry Wolfie. Head and Brick wall always come to mind when Gavan is commenting on Poole (When isn't he?). I fully understand where you and CVS are coming from.
  21. I think Poole's new co-promoters are very much on the case!!! No doubt there are at least one or two others also.
  22. Once again Gavan misses the point. The statement was about Swindon finishing top and picking Poole, not the other way around.
  23. Wow a like-minded Swindon supporter?! I got taken to task at even suggesting such a thing!!
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