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Everything posted by SteveLyric2

  1. With due respect, if you are living on £94 pw sick pay, why/how would you buy a season ticket?? In the meanwhile stay safe.
  2. ACU just announced that racing licences are suspended til end May 2020.
  3. From the PirateCast facebook page. ‪Ok so all being well #PirateCastCV19LockdownChroniclesLive will debut tonight LIVE on my twitter page (https://twitter.com/PirateCast)at 6:30pm‬. You do not need to sign up for an account to watch/listen. ‪Who else would I be talking tonight but Neil Middleditch on the day of his planned testimonial. I was planning audio only (unless you want me on video!!) get your questions in oh and spread the word please!
  4. I would think that if/when the season starts, Championship fixtures will be reduced from the original number to what is considered viable depending on dates. So refunding now and resuming with a new price if/when the new number of fixtures is confirmed is likely by most clubs I reckon.
  5. Top Class were race sponsors last season!! Looks as though Matt & Helen's French Chateau adventure may not be featured in the current series of 'Escape to the Chateau' starting on Channel 4 today, as filming is not yet complete and the TV crew have been summoned back to UK due to the current coronavirus situation. Doubtless Matt will give an update in the first of Poole's weekly video Q&A's on the club website and social media platforms.
  6. Great to see more sponsor logos being added to the club website despite everything else going on!!
  7. There will need to be a reduction in the number of fixtures then as far as the Championship is concerned!
  8. Great to see former World Champions Tony Rickardson, Mark Loram and Havvy attending Middlo's Testimonial.
  9. As I understand it there is the option for one new corporate sponsor who might come in as a 'gold' sponsor. However the club are seeking to promote all the existing 'gold' sponsors in a similar way so as not to favour one over another. There are also 'silver' and 'bronze' sponsors who get a reduced package of benefits/exposure. Maybe an announcement before or at P&P day.
  10. Oh ho ho ho. I've so missed (not) your incisive input to a club that is no longer your local derby track - well at least for this season!!?
  11. Not sure. It was originally meant to be next week ie starting on 16th March, but I can't see it on the TV schedules. Good to see Middlo and the whole team enjoying the facilities during a bit of team bonding at the Chateau this week. Middlo has posted photos on facebook.
  12. Allsvenskan league? Just trying to get to the bottom of THJ's fixture clashes with Valsarna riding on Wednesdays apparently that has led to his withdrawal from the Birmingham line-up?
  13. Thats good news then as he's in Middlo's line-up on 25th March. So I guess neither he nor his family will be going to (or back from) the family home in Italy then?!
  14. So are Swedish fixtures also on Wednesdays now as well as Tuesdays/Thursdays?
  15. He lives there and rides on an Italian licence!!!
  16. Already been taking guests since Valentines day so ready enough. You'll be able to see for yourselves on Channel 4 starting soon "Escape to the Chateau DIY".
  17. I've asked the same question in the Ipswich thread - Is Nico in the country or is he confined to his home in Italy?
  18. Is Nico in the country yet or confined to his home in Italy?
  19. Matt's place will probably need renovating again!!!
  20. I see there is now an SCB statement advising riders not to travel between countries affected by Coronavirus!!!
  21. Serious question following the latest Italian 'lockdowns', will it affect Ipswich and Kent re Nico Covatti?? And will Amanda Castagna be allowed to attend FIM and SGP meetings?
  22. Good signing. Does he start as the second heat leader?
  23. Yeah. Must be all those past and present Ipswich riders lowering the quality!!
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