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SteveLyric2 last won the day on September 23 2023

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    Pirates/Speedway in general.

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  1. Looks like I could have been hacked Wayne, or should that be stalked?
  2. Because the statements are not entirely accurate. Ben has 2 more Pirate finals after the Championship play offs.
  3. With Vinnie's support team and advisors very much Southern-based - lets wait and see. There is something of a debate amongst some Pirate fans that Vinnie will drop back to 2.00 pts for team building. Not sure where that has come from???
  4. I'm aware of what you said! I simply wondered who your choice would be
  5. Is Tom Brennan OK? Can't afford to lose another heat leader thus coming week.#piratepride
  6. Absolutely. So many meetings with all the finals Poole are in, it gets a bit confusing.😇 So unlike Plymouth with few fixtures, few riders.................................!🤣
  7. So he did. I forgot that. Maybe Danny King can be convinced then?
  8. I reckon Kerr at Oxford and Bomber or Picko at Wimborne Road. The latter 2 cannot guest at Oxford cos their GSA's are too high. At Poole Ben's average of 8.72 has a +5% option for a guest. October's GSAs will give different (worse?) options if Ben is not fit to return.
  9. To be fair Ben only scored 5+2 on both visits to Oxford this season!!
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