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Skidder1 last won the day on September 23 2023

Skidder1 had the most liked content!

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    Pirates/Speedway in general.

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  1. Oxford confirm all 3 leagues again in 2025 so why would Masters leave?
  2. So well done to Oxford progressing to the Play off final and for agreeing the dates so quickly. Also great to hear Oxford running 3 teams again in 2025.
  3. If the rumoured points limit for team building is to stay at 38, then Poole already have to lose 8.49 points on current averages. With Tom and Ben likely to leave, Zach could well be the 3rd heat leader but as for who else - its anyone's guess. Some promotions are pushing for a 'fairer' share out of heat leaders, so will there be a limit on the number of 8+ point riders per team? Its been done before........
  4. Saw this on Facebook. Shocking way to treat a child. As for his mechanic, apparently he's quit!
  5. Well it is a 50/50 Worky/Poole thread. Or more accurately a 42/58% Poole thread based upon the agg score.🤣🤣 (anything to get the Poole haters going!!!!) 😇
  6. Fair point - but you know what I mean!! Its what the 'lower' clubs are wanting!!
  7. The wet track at Poole on Wednesday caused no issues for the Pirates, even with a shower at around 6pm!!
  8. Whispers of only 2 heat leaders per team in Championship in 2025??!!
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