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Irk Deflector

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Everything posted by Irk Deflector

  1. Time will tell - much will depend on next 2 signings. Quite happy how team is setting up. #ingedwetrust
  2. Why would Panthers want Kennett? Last time Rye House rode at the Showground he scored 0 points ;-)
  3. Would be happy with Emil Grondal at reserve and Simon Lambert at 2.
  4. The fans who stand there tend to stand in the reces and do not get in the way of the access/exit route. As for the view, yes good views in the stand. We sit back row but view when standing at the back it is better with the extra elevation - can understand why some fans enjoy standing there. Like you I back the Club/Showground. I was disappointed with the response of those fans whose chose to be awkward and not follow the numerous requests to sit.
  5. Being at the back of the stand it provides a very good vantage point and doesn't impead other spectators. It is sheltered from the elements too. Can understand why people would want to stand here.
  6. Several warnings were given over the PA before Stewards got involved. Indeed after Heat 2 it was clear the meeting was going to be stopped if people insisted on standing but a small number decided to stay standing. The team manager also asked people to sit but to no avail. Enough requestes were made and it shouldn't have been necessary for the Chief H&S Officer to become involved, I hope you afforded him respect. I was close enough to one group to know they didn't! As for voicing opinions there were enough fans booing those standing at the point we were told the meeting had been stopped (Heat 4 or 5?). I thought the idea of a forum was to voice opinions/views and to debate them, didn't know there was a requirement to voice them to forum members at the meeting!
  7. How many times did some people at the back need to be told to sit down? Club may not have communicated rationale as well as they could have but what wasn't there to understand from initial announcements? Most were like kids in a playground after being asked to move - didn't move, big I ams with smug grins on their faces. Unfortunately most were "grown" men 30+. To all those who did move without fuss - thank you!
  8. Electrical issue impacts Stand, Northampton and Huntingdon Suites. Total power failure couple of weeks back with EoS unable to repair. Nothing sinister re Polish meetings but if it keeps some people happy, sad *******, then so be it!
  9. It's more than KB. Believe issue was about replacement where NL rider only option to cover for Polish absence.
  10. Never understand why anyone would engage - as bad as each other! Shame they don't have own forum!
  11. Agree - pricing has to be attractive. No issue with comments on fair pricing.
  12. Agreed. Hopefully they will print insert overnight to save all the writing.
  13. See the regular miserable toads are launching into this event and trolling genuine fans of the sport - little changes! Wish the BSPA every success with this event, great idea now let's put on a show! Organised well they could produce a printed race card insert overnight - not difficult.
  14. Wow! Never knew there were so many bitter and twisted people. On the face of it many aren't fans of either side! Here's to a great play off encounter, may the best side win with fans proud of their teams effort. 90-90 would be a great result with 2 leg replay to follow, would fill the blank spaces in the fixture list pending Semi Final dates!
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