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Everything posted by BluPanther

  1. Surely his name should be stevebee .........
  2. Dont recall Hans and Troy ever saying that i must admit. Seems likely that you will get Hans on loan, but as you sold Troy to P'boro in the first place, in seems the ruling to buy him back is a fair one i would have thought. Maybe Frosty will do some payment terms or some other compromise.
  3. Well Swindon dont, and i would guess P'boro have a small claim on them having purchased them in the first place. If you cant afford them, lower your sights and live within your means.
  4. Its logical to rent it if you need the money, not if you want to dispose of that asset. Two sides of this argument, both have merits, compromise will have to be found.
  5. Well, if you have another house to live in, then just keep it on the open market.
  6. Tested by who ? The cost would be enormous, it will never happen.
  7. So much tosh being written on here...The BSPA would not sanction any loan agreement, they have ruled on Troy already. Matt Fraud has spoken
  8. Speedway's decline is mirrored by quite a few sports, and i can only tell you what my son tells me. He knows of very few people at his school that go to speedway, but when i was at school most of the lads in my class always went. Youngsters are no longer into sports like angling either, they all save their money to buy the new PS3 game or latest iphone. Times have changed im afraid.
  9. Plenty saw his tweet stating he had done a deal with Swindon....
  10. Anyone who applies the regulations consistantly would do. Wont be Mr Frost, he is not in the Matt Fraud gang.
  11. He is...always was. RF just wants some dosh back for a change.
  12. The BSPA would not sanction the loan, the saga rumbles on it seems.
  13. Shock horror, what a suprise...knock me down with a feather... Tho..they could well be his brother's, the pictures behind them are of Lasse.
  14. It would appear the only one seeking attention is yourself, its no ones business if some people like the company of dogs. Must be better than having to tolerate some of the 'humans ' on here...
  15. Yes indeed, you will find a few that 'grow a pair' when they are tucked up safe behind a keyboard. Just ignore them....
  16. Falling attendances in the UK would seem to indicate 'slow' is not the way. For many the result is not the trigger to attend, they want to be entertained, and 'follow the leader' tracks with one line are dull.
  17. Thats hardly an exciting type of race track, it is called SPEEDway, not slowWAY.....Polish lge speedway is great to watch, hence the huge crowds.
  18. Thats the asset system down the great white telephone then. Happy days..........
  19. What a pathetic vile person you must be, personal insults of that nature belong in the gutter with you.
  20. Dakota North rode full time in the prem lge, doubling up in the elite lge when required, and travelled the world competing in the U21 world championship. This is part time ??? Strange conclusion.
  21. Everyone just wants our riders on the cheap
  22. Man Utd have massive debts, i doubt if anyone would want their balance sheet..
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