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BluPanther last won the day on December 15

BluPanther had the most liked content!

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    Creepy crawlies

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    Fishing, golf and dogs.
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  1. Crowd levels at Cardiff are now so embarrassingly low, it can't be any surprise that it's been pulled. At least the NSS will provide much better entertainment...
  2. Generally no, but there are exceptions. They can sign a valid contract if the contract is beneficial to them...
  3. Someone has had a sense of humour bypass. Happy Xmas...🎅
  4. It was actually aimed at his goalkeeper Mark Crossley, about when the ball went into the penalty area...
  5. Max Fricke, known as Jigsaw because he goes to pieces in the play offs... 😉
  6. If the Lions make the play offs again next year, they will need a much improved performance from Jigsaw if they are to challenge for the title...
  7. When he stays on the bike for four laps...
  8. He was decidedly unbeatable on some of the occasions I saw him...😉
  9. Averaged 8.71 (inc bonus) for the Panthers in 2023, and that included a disaster meeting. That's not too shabby...
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