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The Dog

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Everything posted by The Dog

  1. The most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Could do one meeting but not the 2nd because he didn't have an average... Sums the sport up completely.
  2. I reckon they will try run on Sunday. The extra day might just save it.
  3. If promotions aren't bright enough to run a summer sport in the summer, then their never gonna think of running into November in the hope that a couple of riders have gone home to gain an advantage....
  4. Have just been looking at the fixture list and there's something like 13 meetings being ran in 10 days at this time of year, and a few of those are double headers. It's wet, cold, damp etc and the fans are expected to see the pinnacle of the season in conditions which is a lottery. Madness and laughable.
  5. This is very true. Sadly, most will be back next year with the same gripes.
  6. You know they certainly wouldn't think about new shale for the ndl...
  7. I think it can, your right, but whether Leicester have any spare, decent shale or willing to get any for 1 meeting is a different matter...
  8. What people tend to forget is that shale, soil etc tends to stay a lot wetter than roads, so when we see a few dry days it doesn't mean that tracks have dried out sufficiently enough to race on. My kids never understand why they can't play in the garden when the sun comes out despite days of torrential rain...
  9. But this is the problem with speedway Arnieg, clubs should be at least breaking even at every meeting without sponsorship or the playoffs propping them up
  10. And to think some people reckon Lambert shouldn't be in the Grand Prix series... Outstanding rider.
  11. Have not caught up with the meeting yet, but I can't help but feel this is what you get when you run the play offs in late September early October. Damp and cold and riders and fans would rather be elsewhere. Everybodys enthusiasm is waning at this time of year. Get the play off done on the August Bank Holiday when hopefully, the weather and tracks are still good and fans go into the winter remembering speedway with the sun on their backs rather than speedway getting a cold and trench foot.
  12. The saddest thing for me is the fact that the BSPL are making one desperate last move to show the rest of the speedway world that British speedway can attract the best riders in the world again when we all know the real truth.
  13. I can see what you mean but I think even if Harris dropped a point on his average, he'd be a better bet than most. Sometimes it's easy to forget that these riders are on that average for a reason. Harris has had a really good year all round, I'd be tempted to build around him. The mistake teams make is keeping riders who've had a good career but are now averaging 5 or 6 points because people remember their past
  14. Seems bizarre that you'd be happy to lose your number 1 rider who very rarely gets injured, committed to British speedway etc for the likes of Tungate
  15. Agree. Also, I can't decide if both parties have been really naive with regards to knowing the rules or really arrogant in thinking that they could do what they wanted regardless of the rules... Why would you book flights, make transport arrangements for mechanics and have kevlars made unless you had proper confirmation?
  16. It is a fabulous photo given the equipment that was around at the time, but some of the pictures inside leave a bit to be desired. Only the odd one or two mind because we do have some excellent snappers who don't get the credit or reward they deserve
  17. I've noticed some of the photos appear to be losing quality and sharpness lately, is this down to the different paper it's printed on or just the photographer?
  18. Can't make the call just yet, fans not soaked through to their undies yet....
  19. What I don't understand is why aren't all riders venting their spleen over these unsafe tyres? If safety is paramount as we keep getting told, why is it only Nicholls that's had the guts to say his piece? Surely the BSPL should be protecting the riders too by either not running meetings until these tyres have been proven or by enforcing the dumbing down of engine performance so the back wheel isn't spinning so viciously. Something seriously wrong if a tyre cannot last a minutes racing let alone a whole meeting.
  20. Did I hear Sam call him Dan Beale earlier?
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