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Roger Jacobs

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Roger Jacobs last won the day on June 10 2024

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  1. Guy Nicholls has put up the money (reported to be a six figure sum) for a Pump Track* to be built in Kesgrave. * I have to admit, I hadn’t heard that expression - apparently it’s given to what we call BMX tracks, because bike and skateboard riders use a “pumping” motion round the track.
  2. Guy Nicholls has put up the money (reported to be a six figure sum) for a Pump Track* to be built in Kesgrave. * Ihave to admit, I hadn’t heard that expression - apparently it’s given to what we call BMX tracks, because bike and skateboard riders use a “pumping” motion round the track.
  3. Except of course that speedway was only showing twice every three weeks - there'll always be something else that fills in for the filler ...
  4. I see that the Team GB line-up for the official Test Match in the USA this weekend features four Witches! https://watch.britishspeedway.co.uk/articles/special-occasion
  5. They used to stage the Easter Trophy as a qualifier for the Scottish Cup, which was held later in the season. The winners of the Easter Trophy were seeded directly to the Scottish Cup Final, while the losers qualified as the highest-scoring runners-up.
  6. No. Apparently it was a mutual decision - he might not have been the one to go, but was happy to move on - hopefully to gain some different experience before returning. Either way, the signing of Brennan is a veritable no-brainer.
  7. Sadly, also, that was how Tomasz Gollob's career was ended
  8. He could make the start and get in the way of Doyle …
  9. One factor (as well as adjusting to time/weather, etc.) is that he's probably on borrowed machinery, and struggling to get it set up.
  10. Partly - but Brennan also knows that riding under Doyle and Sayfutdinov can only be positive for his own development. It was a sensible move for both parties, because Louis prefers level headed, well prepared, and well presented individuals.
  11. It says: "Captain Danny King Racing has had successful surgery on his hand." I didn't know he only had one!
  12. Or ... if you swap 3, 4, and 5 for each side, then the Spires would have all the ticks ... rocket science
  13. And you've hit the problem squarely on the head. I have been saying for years that it's nothing to do with the actual speedway - it's everything to do with the overall entertainment package on offer. Make it an entertaining evening all-round - with noise, light, atmosphere - and people are more likely to go home feeling satisfied.
  14. I’ve just watched the first half of ITFC vs Crystal Palace, and there was nothing of interest in 45+3 minutes of mostly passing the ball backwards - yet people are happy to pay £££s for that …
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