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Hamish McRaker

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Everything posted by Hamish McRaker

  1. The clock is ticking. Surely, there has to be a deadline? The league cannot just keep waiting to see if these two are actually going to run next season. Is there another club lined-up to make up the numbers? What can Chapman and the BSPA actually do?
  2. 1. Greg Hancock 2. Tomasz Gollob 3. Greg Walasek 4. Adam Skornicki 5. Michael Max 6. Jon Armstrong 7. Tony Atkin What would that team add up to?
  3. It's perfectly understandable and right that details of negotiations, including identities, are witheld until the ink is dry on the contracts. But it can't be too difficult to just say something basic such as "negotiations with prospective new promoters are currently taking place"......I think that's all that is needed.
  4. Doubtful the truth will ever emerge. Was it around the same time that Hemsley got suspended, that riders (and others) stopped being paid? All sounds like a "perfect storm" but some would suspect the two events are not merely co-incidence. And if the BSPA used the promoters bond money to meet other expenses first,leaving less for the riders. From what is emerging elsewhere, the BSPA have had a bigger panic on their hands with the goings-on at Belle Vue, which is clearly their priority and Leicester will be left to sink or swim. No doubt all will become clear soon, otherwise Leicester will not be able to seriously negotiate with riders....and it will become a case of having to pick up the leftovers once more.
  5. Is Mr Ford eyeing up possible Championship clubs to develop as Poole2, now that his wings seem to have been clipped a bit?
  6. I bet that Mr Klindt will be quite popular with his 5.42 PL average....
  7. Call me a Corbynite or a Sturgeonite, but if something is built with the use of public (or indeed private I suppose) funds and is given the title "national stadium" then the responsibility should be with the relevant public/government bodies to ensure it is successful and properly oversee it's operation and usage. Apart from the actual meetings staged (and the majority of these were Belle Vue),what else justifies the place having this "national" label? Does training & practice take place on non-match days??
  8. Very good point. I guess that the single league would be a last resort if too many teams were to drop out. And the new team points limits plus the narrowing of the gap between the two leagues will mean that moving between the two leagues will be an easier proposition, and maybe give more incentive to a NL team to make the jump.Overall these changes seem favourable for Leicester, just a question now of waiting to see who's going to be in charge there, and then see how it works out in practice!
  9. What's been done at the AGM, is creation of a two-league/two-division setup that could be rolled into one single league/division relatively easily if teams drop out or don't actually get to the tapes. He's not going to be short of offers in that case
  10. There are two teams named in division 1 as confirmed participants, but in neither case is there a definite promoter/s (albeit one seems to have an interim one, and the other has the BSPA as promoter). What if those two don't actually end up taking part? The two leagues would have to be combined, and as there's now only a fag paper between the leagues,it would be a relatively simple matter. Maybe that's the real reason for this new league structure??
  11. What is the current distribution of shareholdings? I think you said recently that DH had increased his shareholding (having resigned as a director, leaving Y.Hemsley as sole director) and it sounds like he now has majority? Has this move on his part effectively restricted the other shareholders from having any scope? Sounds like, if possible, you need to get support from other shareholders in pursuing your enquiries with the director.
  12. Is it more difficult for riders to get the right bike set-up on our peculiar, variable little British tracks, than it is in Poland? Less pay and harder work??
  13. Roll up and watch the tumbleweed and cobwebs being blown across the stadium by the freezing north winds. That's if you can get in.
  14. It wouldnt mean fewer meetings. A top tier club would have its 10 or 12 top league fixtures, plus the fixtures from its participation in one of the regional leagues. The regional league clubs (not including those also in the top tier) would be able to run cup competitions.
  15. I think there needs to be a top league of 6 or 7 teams with a reduced fixture list, and a north and south regionalised larger second tier where the top league teams are also included (albeit with reduced strength teams). It may need certain current NL teams to step up into that league. As for actual teams I can't see Leicester continuing in the top league next season.
  16. May as well settle it at the ELRC - have 1 heat of Iversen/Lambert v Hougaard/Starke after the ELRC (coin toss if its a 3-3)
  17. The reason he was leading the standings, is that he was prepared to place himself at great risk, and had the nerves of steel to do it on a repeated basis, more often than the others. Hopefully he will be able to continue in that way next season and not experience such cruel luck. It's a real shame for him that GP winners don't get rewarded with more points than the basic race win, otherwise he could have been out of Hancocks reach by now.
  18. Is this down to Andersen's on-track performances, or his personality - or both? It's hard to imagine that any lack of regard for Doyle by Leicester could be down to his on-track performances, so it it a personal thing? Jealousy, maybe?
  19. You'd think that after 2 years as the No.1 there, he would be still held in high esteem.
  20. No mentions on here of Jason Doyle's charge towards the world championship. Not a whisper on the Leicester website, either. Is nobody bothered about it? Very strange. Anyone would think he isn't liked any more.
  21. Cheers SS think I will leave it, hopefully it's easy for anyone interested/bothered to spot!
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