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Hamish McRaker

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Everything posted by Hamish McRaker

  1. Yep. Their weather person on test match special this morning was certain there'd be no rain at The Oval today. Hmmm...two hours play lost
  2. Quite a few possible Bogoff deals around for speedway clubs at the moment, unfortunately. I presume with the Leicester sale, the Cubs would be included within any deal?
  3. How is Jack Holders wrist after yesterday's accident?
  4. What I know, is that people in the know, really don't know, if you know what I mean
  5. A nice big fat celebratory cigar for everyone who attends the next home meeting, then. Courtesy of the owner and management
  6. I was responding to the post which was quoting a source (programme for the postponed match last week?) "Peterboro is now in the hands of the BSPL"
  7. So possibly the BSPL is effectively now the Promoter, albeit with a person to be appointed on their behalf? Does it mean that BSPL now owns Peterborough speedway, and this transaction has enabled K. Chapman to finance KL until the end of the season? And - that BSPL will negotiate and deal with the sale of Peterborough to new owner/s?
  8. Poor chap, didn't know that. I've not commented about beer & food. However, my view would be that if people are stupid enough to part with money for rubbish food & drink, and there's no law against selling it, then it is indeed good business acumen. But I wouldn't do it.
  9. Sounds like it's a simple matter of reverting to Kasprzak instead of Laguta. Also, this whole saga, including the Peterborough one, has probably demonstrated that 6 teams is the only feasible number for the Premier league
  10. Is Steve Brandon still around? Used to keep the show together, something he has huge experience of. And could stick his microphone into riders faces and get interviews because they respected him.
  11. Scares the s**t out of me. Looks like he's permanently pi**ed off and about to produce an axe
  12. So could he get his old mate Rob Godfrey to stand in at Peterborough for a while?
  13. So does the above mean that Laguta is ineligible to ride in Poland for 7 days from and including the date of his Doctor's note?
  14. If this rule is approved by the FIM, does the 7 day suspension apply to all FIM regulated events (for example Polish league matches). After all, an injury or illness incurred outside of speedway will require the rider to take a minimum 7 days recovery period (for his own well-being and protection) and therefore shouldn't be allowed to ride anywhere FIM-regulated uring that period of time.
  15. They've probably all already been written and signed and dated for the rest of the season and kept in Buster Chapman's safe
  16. It's well-established now, that a medical certificate can be issued by a Doctor for injuries and conditions that are not suited to "technical British tracks" whilst still allowing a rider to compete on Polish tracks!
  17. Can Birmingham get a 28-day injury replacement facility for Joe T?
  18. Would R.Worrall go to KL to replace Jakobsen if Tungate joined Peterborough? You could then maybe replace the fading Andersen with Simon Lambert
  19. Actually rule 19.2.5 of the regulations (2023) allows any team member to take an r/r ride, whenever the absent rider's first and surname initials are the same. Happy days
  20. At times, it's hard to tell the difference between those channels
  21. It could have been worse.....it could have been Ippo v Panthers
  22. Kenny Carter being probably the most disastrous example?
  23. The search for a new #1 is over at last. He was hiding away in plain sight, all along. Like the murderer in a good whodunnit.
  24. So, that's what was meant when Leicester stated that Premiership is more suitable as a business model as their reason for changing leagues!
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