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Long Eye

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Everything posted by Long Eye

  1. If you look at the picture it is the weld that has failed on the bottom right-side downtube. The engine bolt is still in place complete with the lug that it goes through. A crack on this part is not unusual. The clean break through the top tube behind the headstock gusset is though.
  2. Could be good if he rides an open meeting at Redcar with their presenter with the speech impediment: Widing in wed, Jakub Jam...
  3. Jubbas don't pay to watch anything. Wash your car though and it will attract a crowd of them as it free.
  4. Not a very factual report on the GP at Cardiff in that article.
  5. Lots of riders still use Castrol 'R'. Castrol changed the make up of it years ago to improve performance. Most other oils used in speedway are castor based just produced by different manufacturers.
  6. More to the point, isn't that their job anyway?
  7. Helped out a Cadet karter a good few years ago. The standard Comer engine was 165 quid out of the box, no tuning just blue-printing allowed. An engine from John Button was 3k! Makes GMs from the top charging tuners look good value. British Championship rules at the time allowed for 2 engines to be registered per driver for the season. One father bought about a dozen race prepped ones, dyno tested the lot, registered the best 2, kept the next best 4 so no one else could have them and sold the rest on at a loss.
  8. Do you have a brain? Who is 'they' that you refer to that are buggering about with the engines? It's just a new manufacturer on the market. There's also a new Godden on the market very soon.
  9. You really are a Count (with a silent 'o').
  10. Standing for what? All that's happened is a bloke has possibly turned down a nights work.
  11. People who follow the sport will. There's plenty of 'major' sports that I couldn't tell you any or few World Champions simply because the sports do not interest me. Not all speedway riders who try longtrack have much success. Even fewer are successful on grasstracks because they struggle with the bumps and ruts.
  12. Having worked for a rider in the Russian team in the World Cup I can assure you their federation is useless at providing support to the riders. The riders are lucky to even receive their prize money from the events. The FIM pay the money to each countries federations who then pay their riders. The Russian federation like to just keep the money. As for getting any help with travel expenses, forget it.
  13. Actually Norrie is very good at keeping riders informed during a meeting. Keeps a good check on how long they have got before their next heat especially if they have bike problems.
  14. They are a production engine. Two types available, standard and baby. The baby one uses a much shorter con-rod.
  15. It reduces friction and wear on the piston/cylinder. Also reduces stress on the crank pin. The idea is used on some motocross engines and I think was originally tried by the Blackbourn motorcycle company many decades ago.
  16. Or if they pick up a minor injury like Ward did Saturday.....
  17. Do you practice being dumb or is it a natural gift? The meeting is an official FIM Championship qualifying event.
  18. Russian and Polish youngsters get taught properly at speedway schools/clubs. They learn how to ride, prepare bikes, train physically and deal with the media. Kids over here generally get to do a few laps at a practice perfecting their mistakes.
  19. Well as he was advised by doctors to take a break then presumably he had a sick note?
  20. Probably not signing on until he gets to Sweden tomorrow.
  21. It could have an official week off in memory of the fallen families.
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