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Long Eye

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Everything posted by Long Eye

  1. Doyle didn't sing much of the Australian national anthem. I hope Mark Lemon drops him from their WTC squad.
  2. OK. Who's put 50p in the idiot again?
  3. Two different Polish clubs. Bydgoszcz last year were happy for him to ride in England. Wroclaw this year are only interested in Wroclaw.
  4. In 10 years of using chainsaw oil for the primary chain I have never had a problem.
  5. Nothing wrong with chainsaw oil. Pi$$ poor preparation was probably the problem.
  6. Look a little bit harder then. It was on their homepage last night.
  7. Because I was thinking of Greg instead. D'oh!
  8. Seb's over here for the season. Not riding in Poland this year.
  9. So you mean it might have been down to him making good starts and managing to stay on the right lines last night then?
  10. Wozniak was less enthusiastic after a heavy landing in his first ride crash.
  11. I am because I have seen a couple of contracts and riders I have worked for have also discussed their deals with me.
  12. Yeah I read Bowdens general sweeping PL points money rates and knowing what some riders are on in that league both at reserve and heat leaders positions I thought 'what a load of bo11ox'. Maybe Barker as the Golden child did manage to get £100 quid a point but that is quite a rare case.
  13. Not always. A CP piston is cheaper than a GM one and lasts longer. Performance wise there is very little difference between the 2. As for Jawa pistons you'd be better off just burning two and half grand an save yourself the bother of actually fitting the engine.
  14. So what do you know about what is involved in the tuning of speedway engines? Give us some experience and facts as to why you KNOW that they are tuned to be in a fragile state and cost an arm and a leg to maintain compared to a standard spec engine.
  15. Sometimes. But also riders prefer different set-ups to get around the same track on the same night. One might find extra heavy flywheels suits his style whilst his team mate prefers very light flywheels. The idea of having a pool of engines allocated randomly is to ensure each rider would be on the same footing. Not all 'tuning' is to increase power.
  16. You've really thought that bit through have you?
  17. Just got an engine back from PJR today. It was new last season and this was its second service. About all it's had changed from new are basic consumable parts, rings, big end bearings and gaskets. It is important to look after them well between and during meetings. Good oil and air filters, warm them up correctly, set the carbs properly and don't get water and grit in them when washing the bike.
  18. He said the engines are still in use. Didn't say who was using them. Some of the riders I have spannered for have scored well in the EL with engines into their 4th season.
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