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Everything posted by DC2

  1. Wow. Aren’t you quite outspoken for an NHS doctor? Your mate Pinny breaks the bones and you fix them!
  2. We never choose such a bad team in the first place! Seriously, I think tactical changes should be limited to three and that’s it.
  3. Errr ... no..... Shanes and Szzzzzzpaniak increased their averages and were dropped but Kurtz and Grajkzonek have gone down but been kept. It’s all tactical.
  4. ... except other team sports are a financial free for all and not based on team building averages and the notion of “equalisation”.
  5. Hougard, Auty, Barker, Garrity, Kennett are the obvious replacements for David Bellego.
  6. Quite the contrary. I’m in favour of teams keeping as many riders as possible. Poole change their team every month.
  7. I haven’t counted Holder and even if we believe the line about Sundstrom it falls outside an injury replacement and so should be one of a limited number of tactical changes.
  8. Poole have only three riders of their original seven and have dropped the other four in tactical switches, not due to injury.
  9. That’s the point. Should the rules be changed?
  10. Poole’s wheelings and dealings now give them a team that would have had a starting average at the beginning of the season of 46.74. Swindon have been forced to make one change and their team would have been 41.93. Poole have now used 12 riders. Is it fair to allow a team to make so many changes and to gain a 5 point advantage over what might be temporary losses of form? Should teams be allowed no more than two tactical changes?
  11. Well, no. Surely you’ve got to balance what the customer wants with what’s financially viable? Customers want: (a) the best riders, no doubling up or guests, better stadiums, preferred race nights, better presentation and (b) cheap prices. It’s obvious to everyone that you can’t have (a) with (b), so the BSPA needs to come up with a costed compromise and get the support of the fans for it. Be inclusive, open and honest.
  12. Well, the BSPA doesn’t need to pay a market research company. It has a head start with the Forum and it can see all’s not well, both in attendances and comments.
  13. Yep. Humphrey’s tone is “stuff ‘em, they don’t matter”.
  14. The eating ain’t going that well, is it? Time to listen to your customers? You do talk some nonsense. I suspect every successful business listens to its customers! If not, it should. Whether that’s M&S, Facebook or apple being concerned about their images and products or a local trader concerned about its reputation and repeat business.
  15. Apparently next year we’re doing an “everyone can get in free if you can find the track”.
  16. You’re getting the Poole mentality. The good thing about Wolves is that they stick by their riders and maintain continuity. Swindon shouldn’t have kept Leigh Adams on his average every season but every Robins’ fan is glad we did. He was a pleasure to watch regardless of what it did to our chances of winning the league. And we shouldn’t have signed Doyle last year on 13.42 but we did and we won the league. If I were a Wolves fan I’d much rather keep Thorsell than sign Bjerre or Andersen who some other journeyman number one on a perceived better average.
  17. Try the Speedway News and Discussions section of this forum.
  18. So where does all their wind come from?
  19. So, the “visionary” Matt Ford walks away and we see problems; surely that means we are all visionaries or he has been pulling the wool over our eyes? Hmmmm sounds about right.
  20. Well, that used to be the case .......
  21. To be fair, Starry, you confuse us with four or five words.
  22. The BSPA needs to start with a list of what the fans want .... ... and then break it to the riders what can be afforded... ... and hope for a little profit for themselves. But make no mistake, that is the order.
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