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Everything posted by DC2

  1. This Eastbourne promoter thinks there is a 60:40 chance of one league next year: https://www.eastbourne-speedway.com/ian-jordan-reveals-the-ingredients-for-success/
  2. Maybe they should sign Ollie Allen?
  3. Last time I saw Malcolm was ten years ago when he looked a bit like Van Damme in the Coors Light adverts. Unless, of course, that was you, Sidney, with a grey mullet and faded jeans?
  4. And to be fair it was only a month ago that Aarnio and Berge would have been the dream team at reserve for many Swindon fans! Pleased to see Vissing get among the points with the ever combatitive Perks.
  5. Didn’t even Klindt do well on his first visit to the Abbey, about 14 points? Not as good as Pavlic’s 21 point maximum at Lakeside though.
  6. Correct, it’s his converted CL average that is relevant.
  7. Nope, it’s this season’s average that counts, so he’s converted from his CL one.
  8. Nope. Got the feeling it’s gonna be our year .... again.
  9. Yes, both fit. And Douglas would put Rasmus at reserve. Douglas would be a good signing.
  10. If we have 4.9 to play with, neither fits. Garrity for me.
  11. How about Garrity at reserve? Bit of a dangerous nutter but very good on his day.
  12. You best recommend Rasmus Jensen to Rosco or you’re going to miss out on announcing it first.
  13. We’ve been very loyal to Zach over the last few seasons, but he hasn’t hit form this year and this team can’t carry him.
  14. Don’t think one change is enough, but Good Luck, Ellis!
  15. Assuming none of those variables in the everyday life of a speedway rider affect him: attitude, form, injury, illness, equipment, pay, travelling, home life etc. They’re not just governed by their averages!
  16. Stefan’s average would now be 3.92 on conversion from his current CL average. So we could have him with Danny Gappmaier or Joel Andersson from the CL, but Stefan hasn’t found his form yet this season. Frankly I’d rather try Pickering/Starke/Doolan/Kyle Newman with Kemp. Assuming Kemp drops his NL ride. Shanes can’t gate and Zach can’t mix it at the moment. We need a gater and/or someone with more confidence.
  17. Hasn’t he achieved a 3 point PL average by virtue of his 4.75 CL average?
  18. According to the current averages, Pickering, Starke or Doolan and Kemp could replace Zach and Shanes.
  19. Stefan Nielsen and Kemp or Ayres?
  20. Let’s hope you’re banned for good. Such foul language and aggressive demeanour have no place on a forum. Grow up.
  21. To be fair, when Swindon are in town you’d see plenty of stunning passes ......... if only Poole could gate.
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