Think back to last season. I think Alden missed a re arranged meeting at Sheffield and Berwick had to use a NL rider (A Morris?) Think if any meeting changed from original list Swedish fixtures take priority and there is no facility. So reading between the lines if the likes of Lindgren, Edberg, Aspegren miss, there would be no facility?
I saw Dyer at Sheffield last night-Superb! Berwick must be kicking themselves for not bringing him back? The difference between a top 4 team and mid table.
Sad as it may be speedway is dying all over. I was at Coventry tonight and take away the Wolves fans and well!! Not many there I tell you. Machinery, Silencers whatever have got out of hand.
Can someone in NL circles tell me why Liam Carr the Berwick lad is not at Stoke or anywhere in 2013? He seemed to do well last year but Stoke not brought him back!
Catch Me is right in some respects. A lot of Berwick fans seem to love putting the club down. Constructive criticism is ok but lots of it from Berwick fans is pure vindictive am afraid