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rob tatum

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Everything posted by rob tatum

  1. Don't think it has anything to do with how slow his brain is to be 5 yds down going into the 1st bend on a regular basis must mean chris has a serious starting technique.
  2. Gating has always been paramount just ask Ivan Mauger. I remember an article by peter collins when he said that him and mark loram with better gating would possibly have won more than 1 world title. Don't see a lot of difference today IMO to years gone by. Gating has always been paramount just ask Ivan Mauger. I remember an article by peter collins when he said that him and mark loram with better gating would possibly have won more than 1 world title. Don't see a lot of difference today IMO to years gone by.
  3. Why would any rider take part in this meeting knowing that even if they managed to qualify then they wouldn't be allowed to compete in the gps. ? All the people slagging of chris surely should be having a go at those who run the GPs. Personally I really like chris and whatever you may think of him he is very exciting to watch but I felt that as he blew his chance in the qualifying rounds then he shouldn't of been even offered a reserve berth at poole. That's just my opinion but I still lost my voice cheering on chris yesterday despite my views felt he was VERY LUCKY to be in the meeting but VERY UNLUCKY on the day. What do I know about speedway bugger all as I have never rode a bike but bombers gating is b***** abysmal if he is in the mix at the gate he has the ability to do well in the gps.
  4. My 8 year old cocker spaniel Ash could do a better job than the current buffoons who run british speedway not so sure about my 16 year old son but as the only word he mumbles is" whatever"he would probably be perfect.
  5. Seem to be getting mixed weather forecasts any John Ketleys out there with a spot on forecast ? I have a 4 hour drive to get to poole so any help would be appreciated.
  6. 3 point rider ,7 point riders ,handicap system blah !blah ! Blah ! Sorry its all too complicated I would like it to be like me simple. For such a basic sport I need the knowledge of da vinci to fill out my programme these days.
  7. Detest the use of guests always have always will. More than anything it makes our sport a laughing stock and amateurish.
  8. BBC sports personality will not mention woffinden (if he is the champ) did they mention mark loram NO and they only mentioned mark on 5 live because I phoned them and complained.
  9. What will british speedway do if woffinden wins ? Er um nothing.
  10. Blimey moxey that was a quality post I agree with all that. Well done sir just a shame them in charge seem to be happy p****** in the wind
  11. Excellent GP and very good coverage. Woffinden has become ultra professional very impressed ,sayfutinov looks under pressure but what a great kid and would make a worthy champ as for Ward yes he is exciting but also bloody reckless he could win the world champs one day or have an almighty pile up and career in tatters. God the excuberance of youth eh ! Just one thought re ward all the talk about him being the most natural talent the most exciting blah blah in the last 20 yrs , what about mark loram ? Pure class
  12. So its looks as if sky will be waving goodbye to planet speedway. What the hell happened to the money ? And does anyone else think that a wonderful opportunity of dragging our tarnished sport into a new world has alas gone. What a complete fiasco.
  13. Sky have no plans to show speedway next year. So all the moaners and wingers can gripe about something other than charlie ,tatum ,pearson etc. Sky at least gave it a good go its a shame speedway in this country didn't make the most of the opportunity unlike darts.
  14. Ok I own up it was me ,I used all my speedway knowledge and chose a rider who can rule the speedway world. POSTED by Keith Heuwen.
  15. So danny king is the wildcard why? Did he really even try to be in it from the off ? Let's be honest king john would have a better chance and he's been dead 500 years.
  16. Fantastic stadium ,packed enthusiastic crowd and the racing was well what most of us experience most weeks close with some passing. On the whole I enjoyed it and I really like the behind the scenes fill ins the woffinden andersen journey there was good and the hans interview was F****** (as hans would say) funny . Eurosport are doing a fine job and I know they only use the world feed blah blah but does anyone else think the pictures are clearer ? We had HD on sky but it does seem better but I am 51 and my eyes are shot.
  17. Kelvin tatum is out of touch ?? ! With what exactly ? Reality ,speedway ,politics ,life ,human beings ,what a strange comment to make as if your commenting on his speedway knowledge then that cannot be questioned. If you don't like his commentary style well that's fine it seems to me the only thing he is out of touch with is some of the moaning sad gits on this forum.
  18. I remember John winning the BLRC at bellevue hyde rd (what a track) in the best meeting I have ever seen and what riders Collins ,crump ,penhall etc biggest memory from that night was Titman and Collins passing each other then titmans bike erupting in flames during the race. Happy days.
  19. SKYs GP coverage was the same as eurosport apart from the incerdibly marvellous stupendous studio coverage with the world beating Heuwen ,Ermolenko and Havelock. 3 reasons why Eurosport is better IMO as always
  20. IMO pearson and tatum(I am not related honest)are perfectly fine. There enthusiastic and yes they get excited I can live with that if its on the box. Just ONE minor gripe thou please can you stop salivating over Darcy effing Ward he is a great rider but please he has an awful lot to learn and is a very immature child. I M O
  21. Oh dear well that went well for mr kennett then. Although I like bomber can't see how they can possibly justify given him or any other rider a wild care for the GP challenge ,unless mark loram makes a comeback.
  22. Mr moore calling a commentator or anyone a t*** is very rude and totally uncalled for. If you called me that to my face not on twitter or any other social medium I would chin you. I served for 17 yrs in the marines and hate bullies,why don't you just say mr pearson I don't like you as a commentator. Off for a lie down I am 51 now and shouldn't get too uptight.
  23. Well done eurosport there doing a cracking job. Big thumbs up.
  24. It was not a terrible GP have the people moaning ever attended a speedway meeting. Sometimes you get a blinder with tension passing and controversy but most meets are let's face it just ok. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but the moaning gits on this forum drive me nuts. If we had BBC1 show the gps live with des lynam presenting ,murray walker commentating and kelly brook wearing next to nothing in the pits and every race with 30 passes you would still complain. Maybe the reason speedway is becoming extinct is because of the old codger fan base. FFS the GPs are on tv ,it looks good ,it looks professional and it must be the way forward. If you don't like it don't watch.
  25. AWFUL MEETING ????!! Really ? I must be very easy to please but I enjoyed it , ok its not bydgosz but then neither is swindon ,poole ,lakeside ,eastbourne etc. Well done all keep it up great GP deason.
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