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rob tatum

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Everything posted by rob tatum

  1. Maybe comparing speedway to football was a mistake instead ill compare it to my stepsons amateur rugby team where injuries are commonplace and they don't draft in players from other teams. I don't have the answer but I do remember when phil crump broke his thigh many moons ago and he was out for the whole season and bristol had to get by ,yep we struggled but personally I don't want a rider who rides for another club riding for a club I support. Sorry that's how I feel. With a sport like ours maybe naming a squad of 10 ,7 team members plus 3 other riders on standby to cover for injuries. What is the point of having a team of 7 when after 1 to 2 weeks teams are normally decimated by injuries. Sorry I sound like an old git but I am 50 any now need a lie down
  2. Oh well that's me told your all obviously happy with the guest rule. Sorry but I'm not ok were not football BUT we are supposed to be a professional sport and with this rule we make ourselves look daft.
  3. So darcy ward is injured and replaced by iversen who just happens to be in the team who could be there biggest challengers for the league. Of all the daft rules in our sport surely the guest system is the most laughable I cannot believe after all this time we cannot sort out something better than this. Just heard gareth bale is being replaced by giggs for 2 weeks ,sounds ridiculous dosent it
  4. Absolutely delighted the GPs are on eurosport if marketed correctly I feel this can only be a good thing. It seemed to me that sky didn't give a toss about the GPs sticking it on the red button then complaining about viewing figures. Sat nights with my wife and 3 friends watching the GPs (we are going to cardiff and gothenburg) onwards and upwards. Brilliant !!
  5. Mmmmmm that's strange the speedway on eurosport has indeed disappeared from the schedule. Ok FFS but it has ,it was there yrsterday
  6. Make the prices young fan friendly £3 inc a programme is fair. For me as a kid filling out and keeping the bristol bulldogs programme was magic
  7. Please ,please ,please is there anyone out there who knows what the hell is happening ? I have emailed eurosport again and had this reply. Eurosport will be showing live GP speedway from AUSTRALIA. I hope its just an error after all the 2 countries are quite close to each other but it dosent bode well.
  8. Just had a reply on e mail from eurosport they said it was speedway from australia. Sorry I tried my best.
  9. Just looked at the eurosport listing,I'm laughing as that is as clear as s***
  10. I have checked the eurosport listings obviously I missed something ,what am I looking for ?
  11. I fear I may be lynched for saying this but I like Pearson and tatum (not related honest )BUT I have to say that Keith Heuwen is bloody awful.
  12. What an embarrassing shambles seems to sum up the way our sport is run.
  13. The racing wasn't rubbish but the track was. The presentation ,programmes,and the way the whole thing was made to feel very special made up for the ropey track ,it was no hyde rd BUT there were some great meetings. Really hope it comes back ,I will be 1 st in the que.
  14. Just reading these posts make me smile ,does anyone remember ole olsen walking out complaining about the state of the track (how ironic). Also I think terry betts's career was ended at eastville after hitting the fence. Such wonderful memories for me. Just have to mention visiting hyde rd belle vue now there was a speedway track.
  15. I lived in lockleaze 2 miles from eastville and used to walk down to the stadium on what always seemed to be be warm sunny friday evenings. The stadium was good and the track was rough but for a 14 year old kid it was heaven. Due to finance I had to decide on watching the GAS (rovers) or phil crump ,the mildura marvel won hands down and for the last 36 years this wonderful sport has always been no 1. Does anyone remember bob coles hitting the fence and flying up in the air if I remember it was shown on world of sport the next day or steve gresham (the most dangerous rider ever?)Having a punch up with gordon kennet. Happy days.
  16. League racing is far too expensive paying a minimum of £17 to stand in a shabby stadium is madness. £10 is more realistic and kids under 16 a £1. Tickets for GPs are not expensive. Don't think crowds will increase for either to be honest ,what a shame sounds like more decades in the wilderness.
  17. If the GPs are not shown I will not re start the sports package ,yes I love tennis and like my footie BUT I am not prepared to pay what I consider a lot of money every month for those sports. The EL and some PL I am sure will be shown but the speedway on display IN MY opinion is poor. Really hope the GPs are shown live by someone. Fingers crossed.
  18. Difficult to pin down a specific moment in time for the decline of speedway I just feel that its more the decline of LEAGUE speedway in this country. Look around Shabby stadiums ,over priced meetings ,teams that change every year ,no building a loyalty to a favourite rider as there with you one year and gone the next ,bizarre rules and rule changes which make our simple sport totally baffling to most people. The GP s are criticised BUT at least they look and are a quality product. I just think standards in most sports have improved unfortunately in ours apart from the GPs time has stood still. God I'm depressed apparently this is the most depressing day of the year.
  19. I cancel sky sports from end of oct to end of feb every year ,when they asked me why and I told them I was only interested in the speedway coverage there answer was WHAT IS SPEEDWAY and they asked me if they could put down that I was cancelling because I wanted F1 ,F1 !!!!F F****** 1 ahhhhhhh. If the speedway dosent come back I will NOT be subscribing to sky sports ,SORRy Sky effing football or effing F1.
  20. I cancel sky sports from end of oct to end of feb every year ,when they asked me why and I told them I was only interested in the speedway coverage there answer was WHAT IS SPEEDWAY and they asked me if they could put down that I was cancelling because I wanted F1 ,F1 !!!!F F****** 1 ahhhhhhh. If the speedway dosent come back I will NOT be subscribing to sky sports ,SORRy Sky effing football or effing F1.
  21. As a fan from bristol who has followed speedway since 77 at eastville I watch with sadness the awful decline of league speedway. Terrible facilities ,badly run meetings ,very average riders in the ELITE league on show ,poor track conditions etc etc etc. And yet the GPs in my opinion are getting better and better (a bit more dirt on SOME tracks would be good thou ). So what is the answer ?
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