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Everything posted by DMO

  1. •Thomas Armstrong continue their long standing relationship •Keith Denham delivers on promise to continue support •Comets promotion continue to look for key team partners
  2. @OfficialComets: Important announcement to tonight 9pm. Keep your eye out on all Comets online sources or Times n Star tomorrow morning
  3. should have used the money maybe to bring craig back still cant see why hes not in our team
  4. just had a look at whos left god you could make a good team out of that
  5. GREAT WEB SITE just hope its kept up to date good offers on tickets good start by new promos well done wonder if their is any truth in the crack that Roynon wanted 50% more than Rene and Richard to ride at workington through his agent
  6. Not sure what to think really but let's get down and support the team if all the lads are up for it we could have a chance IMO Craig Cooke should have been signed as no1 local lad can't understand it ??? But come on RUSTY you let us all down last year and yourself but that was last year. Clean slate fresh start Roll on march
  7. Rusty plus a n other then but who ??????
  8. Why not local lad 20 mins from track and was sold to Edinburgh by KD promotion and he is always in super fish in town so must like it through here
  9. Cookie is foreign from cleator !! Missed a trick by not getting him back. Local lad good gear and PLRC champ and had his pick of elite league clubs
  10. All a bit short of news and a little quiet for my liking On here now having lost out on Adam we need cookie back
  11. Agree 100% loved rusty but not sure this time
  12. Agree 100% loved rusty but not sure this time
  13. did we want Adam? or did he not want us? get cookie back in for me now
  14. Like it well done great start to the new promotion JUST NEED ADAM OR COOKIE NOW not fussed either will do me ROLL ON press and practice
  15. good news on Kyle so if no Adam then GET COOKIE BACK
  16. 1 stead 9.59 3 bach 7.93 5 roynon 7.07 2 howarth 5.47 4 m p t 5.21 7 irving 3.26 6 Nicki Barrett 3.75 42.28
  17. Great news last night big thanks to KD for 5 years and not walking away fully it looks like Gonna be around to help next year we think Adam, Rene a must next year if poss would love Craig back home aswell even if he is a jam eater
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