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Everything posted by EnglishRoundabout

  1. He did let Belle Vue down. I remember Chris Morton complaining about his performances when the going got tough towards the end of the season. That was the last seen of him in Aces colours.
  2. What? Is that the same crowd pleaser who let Bellevue, Lakeside and Coventry down? Oh and is that the bloke who 'gave it his all' with his fake shoulder injury and couldn't ride for Poole but jolly well rode in Poland? The guy is a liability and WILL LET YOU DOWN!!
  3. For potentially a great little club with a terrific racing circuit, I have never known such bitter in fighting. Some posters on here beggar belief with their negativity towards the club. I note that as the Devils superb run continued last season taking them into the play offs, these same negative posters strangely disappeared. But hey, it is now the close season, and they seem to be creeping back.....
  4. If I'm right in saying the Poole side currently has Holder, Andersen, Buczkowski, Kurtz, Newman and Ellis, that is shaping up as a formidable side. I can only see improvement (on last season) in all 6 of the aforementioned
  5. Most things come in three's....have always said it, KK is brilliant to watch, and his style is suited to Lakeside's tight turns, but undoubtedly at some stage, he will let you down.
  6. He's a terrific talent and a natural on a speedway machine. I've been fortunate to watch him over the past two years and in my opinion he is a GP rider of the future. At 18 years old he took over the number one position from Josh Grajczonek and pretty much sustained his performances all season, and in the meantime guested as number one for both Peterborough and Sheffield on a regular basis.
  7. I will concede that Rosco did the right thing in giving Batchelor the captaincy. Firstly to make him grow up, secondly to give him the extra responsibility. He proved beyond all reasonable doubt that he is most definitely not a leader. Darcy's supreme but oh so short appearances for the Robins gave Batch a kick up the ass ( why would he ever need that?) now there's talk/hope that Doyley will do the same! Get shot before we have to suffer any tantrums and get someone in with the will to ride for Swindon and the desire to win. As TR and Rosco say, the right mental strength.
  8. Sorry, is this the Ipswich team for 2016, or purely speculation?
  9. Crap track? Well that's debatable. Didn't seem to stop Scott Nicholls top scoring with 12 points on one of his least favourite tracks, or Nick Morris reel off 3 consecutive wins. The race times were reasonably quick (since the change of silencers) throughout too. Was not that the track was slightly wet? A typical scenario for Batchelot to go missing.
  10. Think you are probably right Blu. I saw him myself riding for the Panthers at the EOES and he really did look good. When Swindon re signed him I was chuffed and was quite prepared to forgive him for throwing his toys out of his pram for similar childish comments that he had made following his release and the inspirational signing of Zagar. Equally, I have always said, when the going gets tough, even on his own manor, he pulls out.
  11. He also sarcastically thanked the fans for their support after his name was announced which was a mixture of boo's and ironic cheers. He then said ' in any case it's my life and if I think it's dangerous out there then that's my choice'. Scandalous.
  12. 99% of EL tracks would probably want him too!!
  13. The pair of them has brightened up a dull Sunday evening!
  14. Personally Noggin I only mention him because I'm desperate he's not employed by Swindon. Rosco and Terry Russell spoke about creating a team that have the right personality/mental strength. Batchelor definitely does not have either.
  15. If the side is to be made of mainly Swindon assets then Doyle and Morris should be in the team. Possibly Zengi as well. That would leave the need for a decent heat leader. Don't have my calculator with me but Michael Jesper Jensen or even Mikel Bech Jensen would be good. Risky, but under Doyley's leadership I'd rather both than Bratch.
  16. He is indeed. The Rebels need to snap up both Heeps and Tungate. Both will improve racing at the OTA.
  17. One bike Boxall. No chance of seeing out a whole season with the Aces. Amongst other excuses, Manchester is too far from his London home.
  18. Just popped into this thread. Have the Tigers signed Nick Morris as well as Barker? Should be interesting with those two in the team. Certainly were bitter rivals recently.
  19. I find it incredible that a Star's fan would say that. One of the best British prospects in years riding for the club that you support, with potential to improve year on year, and you don't give a s##t if he's in your team? Mind you there are some fans at Somerset who reckon Brady Kurtz should move on to ride a small track. And yet at 18 years old he's the Rebel's number one!!!!! Amazing.
  20. Yep, agreed. Only riders who looked remotely in the same class were the great Leigh Adams and the very fast Zagar in Robins colours.
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