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Everything posted by Terry

  1. That's right, and Gollob was the wild card the following year. There were 6 Brits in the 96 GP series and no Poles..Those were the days!
  2. Looks like Rospiggana have pulled a crafty one!
  3. That Falubaz poster seems to have mysteriously disappeared
  4. Yeah I noticed that Lidsey was having a good look behind him, but they do that in most sports now. You may get some nutter running on to the pitch during a football match and they point the camera into the crowd, with the commentator saying, "we don't want to see that," and I'm thinking "yes we do!"
  5. Great race between Nicki and Emil. Hard but fair racing.
  6. Daft old duffer probably doesn't even know what it stands for. He saw another member post it and well, monkey see, monkey do.
  7. Yeah I particularly enjoyed the pairs (Peterborough seemed to have an unfair advantage in the fours.) Saying that Hackney hosted the pairs in 84/85/86 and 89 and never won. Ironically we won in 1990 when it was at Glasgow, which was a bit too far for me..So I bought the video
  8. He almost won the pairs at Hackney in 85, til his partner Stan Bear clattered into Louis Carr on the final bend. That was during the 4-3-2-0 scoring system when riders in last place made some desperate moves!
  9. Lublin making Leszno look decidedly ordinary. Emil having a very rare off-night.
  10. Robert Lambert was brilliant at the start of the season and during the SEC, but he hasn't been as consistent recently. Watching heat 15 tonight and seeing him being barged out of way by Zmarzlik and Thomsen wasn't nice to see. In contrast Jack Holder seems to get better with each meeting and he's definitely above Lambert at the moment..Maybe riding with the world champion is pulling him along also.
  11. Good to know he's not too bad. I feared the worst after he hit that lamp standard. A little confused by the report saying he should not touch a toad is toad touching a thing in Sweden? I'm sure it got lost in translation
  12. I remember Stoke rider Paul Thorp getting all the way to the Intercontinental final one year. I always enjoyed watching Martin Yeates ride, he had a great style. Little known fact about him, he never broke any bones throughout his career!
  13. He was still improving. If he hadn't retired, I reckon he would've peaked in his early sixties.
  14. I remember a meeting at Long Eaton when Hackney were four down going into the last race. The home pair made the start and Andy tried to pass them up the inside going into turn three. He misjudged the pass, clipped one of them and all three clattered into the fence. In one of the strangest refereeing decisions I've ever seen, the home pair were excluded, and the Kestrels cruised round for a 5 - 0 and a one point victory in the rerun, with Andy popping wheelies and waving to the home fans for all four laps! The home crowd wanted to lynch him and there were some punchies thrown, but Andy loved a good scrap. I think a police escort was called to get him out the stadium. He was public enemy number 1 at most tracks, but we loved him at Waterden Road!
  15. Apparently Kelly Moran was reduced to tears back in the pits by the crowds reaction. On the flip side, I don't think I'd ever seen Kenny Carter grin so much on the victory parade!
  16. I was a fan of the GP system when it started, but I've started to tire of it the last few years. It's not so much the one off world final that I miss, more the qualifiers along the way. It was always fascinating during the last round of heats trying to second guess which riders who were 'safe' were possibly going to do a fellow countryman or club mate who were desperate for points a 'favour'. Fair enough it was cheating but it just seemed part of the occasion in those days. Speaking of race fixing, something has always bothered me about the infamous 1982 Overseas final 'scandal.' Bruce Penhall has mentioned in print on a few occasions that he wasn't happy (he even used the word furious in his autobiography) with the finishing order of that race, he said the other riders didn't stick to the agreed order. I don't get what he means. Obviously Sigalos had to win as he was only on 5pts and with Kelly and Shawn both on 6 it didn't really matter who came second, one of them was going to be joining PC and Les in the run-off...The only way I can see of guaranteeing all three qualifying would have been if the Morans had dead - heated for second and scored 7.5 points each..Although I can't imagine that's what Bruce meant!
  17. Bangs looks a great prospect, he reminds me of Mark Loram when he first started out.
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