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Posts posted by Terry

  1. 30 minutes ago, HGould said:

    Think Perry / Bradbury a cut above Sophie Blake who was best of the rest who are nowhere near comparison

    Bradbury / Perry are proper TV Presenters it shows / showed.

    Quirke is strictly non league in comparison. Kiri Bloor irritates hell out of me too.


    I don't mind Natalie Quirke. She and Scott make a decent team, although they should get a third person to offer a different perspective.

    You're right about Kiri Bloor, she's bloody awful.

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  2. 1 hour ago, mikebv said:

    Still think four finals is the way forward..

    Meaning going into the last round of races riders could jump, or drop, several positions given what final they end up in...

    It would also reward the top four qualifiers on the night with the biggest points scoring final and not allow riders in eighth on the night to win..

    I would also allow the top eight into the following year with the other seven having to race off in the GP challenge against nine riders from the the various qualification meetings..

    The top six qualifying to the GP's to be joined by the SEC winner and the local wild card..

    This will mean to earn the GP position you must beat those who currently have it and those that have it get the chance to defend their hard earned ranking..

    No need then for conjecture or political appointments, each permanent rider on view will have earned their place..

    Yes the format they used from 95-97 was still the best with every rider battling for their place. Riders like Gary Havelock and Sam Ermolenko would definitely be handed picks today. For some riders now it almost seems harder not to qualify!

  3. 8 minutes ago, falcace said:

    Anorak question coming...

    According to the records for that Golden Helmet, Petersen won the first race from Morton, the second was a dead-heat and no third race? Don't understand why...at 1.5 and 0.5, the third race is not dead rubber, is it? 


    The first race was the dead-heat with Bo winning the second race. You're right though, if Mort had won a third race it would have been 1.5 each, and as he'd already beaten Bo 2-0 at Belle Vue he would've been the winter holder.

    I'd honestly never thought about that before.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Sidney the robin said:

    Really not to worry i, am sure you would give some other poor sod the  benefit of the doubt because it is Mike Lee NO.

    But there is no benefit of the doubt. Lee just wasn't interested in abiding by the new tape touching rule whereas every other rider accepted it. Erik Gundersen for example, struggled big time with the new starting procedure, but he worked at it like the true professional that he was, and ended up as one of the best starters in the sport. Michael Lee just sulked and complained instead of adopting a professional approach.

  5. 1 hour ago, Sidney the robin said:

    Yes Mate Loram was classy could not gate for Toffee what a r ridrer Remember Mark as a mascot at Hackney With  Thommo,loved Mark great rider,

    Mark was such a down to earth bloke, everybody liked him, fans, fellow riders. He never changed from that 15 year old mascot having after meeting rides in 86 til the day he retired. (Such a shame it wasn't on his terms.)

    I remember the 75th anniversary meeting at Rye House. He and Ove Fundin had a match race with Mark on an old bike and Ove on a modern machine - just like Jack Parker and Simmo at Hackney in 78. Ove led until the last corner before suffering an engine failure.

    Mark didn't take part in the meeting so he was chatting away with fans in the bar, and I was chuffed when he told me he remembered me from the Saturday afternoon training schools which I used to help out at...As I said, a great bloke.

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  6. 7 hours ago, HenryW said:

    I'm wondering whether I am the only person that thinks that Lee wasted his own talent and all the excuses and claims of victimisation are just that....excuses.

    What would the British speedway authorities have to gain from victimising a British World champ?

    For me, the defining memory of him wasn't a world title win in 1980, it was his dummy spitting effort at Ipswich in the 1984 test match at Ipswich. The man couldn't accept the change to starting procedures and so spat the dummy and huffed off, got talked into coming back but did nothing other than pootle around acting like a victim...Pathetic. An absolute embarassment to his Nation that day and, if I remember rightly, on national live (or close to live) TV as well...

    Personally, I just have him down as another one of the riders that disappeared from the top level when drug testing came in properly around that time...

    I couldn't agree more. I'm finding all this "oh Michael was so hard done by" rather nauseating. He brought it all on himself and that test match display was pathetic..Ebdon told the riders beforehand exactly what would happen if they touched the tapes and they all abided by it except Lee who, as you say spat his dummy out and let down his team mates, not to mention the fans.

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