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Everything posted by foamfence

  1. See what he thinks after a rained off Sunday afternoon at Buxton or a game of 'spot the crowd' at most other tracks.
  2. Most of them are promoters because they are already successful in business. If you won the Euro lottery or headed a group of companies, you could probably be a promoter, but it's very unlikely that it would add anything to your wealth.
  3. I pointed out that a thread was already running, I didn't need to point out (I hope) that the thread in the GP section has many more comments and therefore would probably be of interest to anyone who thought this was the sole thread. Perhaps if you had a more efficient brain you might well have realised all of that ... .. Or are you just trolling?
  4. It's still already covered in the GP section.
  5. This is already covered in the GP section.
  6. Just pirate it! If you had a contract with Eurosport and been shat on, why bother playing this money making game anymore?
  7. Agreed, I think that's all that's needed, it would make things easier for overseas riders and double-up riders alike.
  8. Why should he, he chose to opt out of the draft? Those who are newly included, either asked or accepted the invitation. I read that there was an extended list on tier one, as there was last year but last year any not chosen were out, whereas this year you could choose a second one if they were still available. It does affect your team building though and stronger reserves will mean a weaker main body.
  9. But if only two (or a small number) of players were on the field for short periods, then that could happen, as they aren't, the comparison isn't relevant. The other difference is that Rugby is a sporting contest where the best or strongest team should win, whereas Speedway is more a form of entertainment where rider replacement, guests and tacticals (of various sorts) are all used to falsely even up the supposed contest and attempt to make things seem closer and more exciting. The alternative would probably see a lot of clubs go bankrupt or be uncompetitive (or both). Thus far nobody has been able to make Speedway into a fair contest, I really wish they could.
  10. Thank's for the comedy spelling, even if some of them are most unlikely.
  11. It was a pointless load of excrement. The PL already has too many added competitions.
  12. Crowd levels have been falling for decades, it's the same in Poland and Sweden, it's just that they are falling from a higher level. At Bradford they used to visit schools and were well sponsored and had top riders. The bus loads of kids that they shipped in, looked on in disbelief when a race had only four riders and was over in a minute, very few ever returned. I love speedway, been watching, sponsoring and mechanicing since the 50s but most of my friends drifted away and some even ask if it still exists, none ever express any desire to go back to it though. Thread after thread we get people complaining about promoters, if it wasn't for them you'd have nothing.
  13. Whatever the owner or event promoters can persuade the local council to let them do. They might have some agreement with the Speedway promoter, regarding access and use of the track, then again, they might not. This is the big problem here with most promoters not owning their stadiums and often having to pay a lot of rent etc to use them.
  14. "first bench bunching" ;-) Except that he's had his chances in the GP and Challenge and blew both.
  15. "Kenneth Bjerre"? I know he isn't what he was but has he sunk this low?
  16. Don't teams who actually own a rider's contract still have the facility to reserve him in the draw? Has that option been dropped?
  17. No it isn't, the issue is that there were falls, injuries and holdups on both sides, probably due in part to track conditions.
  18. Cookie now ten from five and in the semi at least. He's beaten some very good locals too.
  19. From what I can tell, big meetings like play off's and the GP do OK but a lot of clubs can't get by on admission fees alone. You see meetings on SKY where there are very few there and riders parade to empty terraces. The whole thing is embarrassing and I'm very grateful for the coverage from SKY (but I would understand if they pulled the plug).
  20. He's too old, he could only be used as a standby like Wilko (he isn't on the list anyway).
  21. Speedway Star say's Kent elite and national, no mention of Rye. And get the Cardiff wildcard.
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