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Everything posted by foamfence

  1. Not many because there aren't many tracks that you can walk or bus to and some of them are so horrible that you probably wouldn't want to go twice.
  2. http://speedwaygp.com/news/article/5474/freddie-seeks-gtr-gold
  3. Well as you've decided to cut yourself off from it, it isn't really any concern of yours.
  4. Then again, turkeys don't vote for Christmas.
  5. Because they are human, confidence, technique, familiarity and set-up, all play a part.
  6. Glasgow Tigers ‏@_glasgowtigers 1h1 hour ago BACK ON TRACK: Dynamite Dan Bewley makes his official return this Sunday at Scunthorpes amateur meeting, testing the new GTR engine.
  7. It has been tried before at some levels but always fails, if a promoter wants a rider who demands more, he can simply give him more by laundering it through sponsors and the like.
  8. Top riders get money from many different sources and in many different countries. Capping their earning here would make little difference to that and would probably drive even more of them away. It might work if you had riders who rode exclusively here but we don't currently have that. By the way, Corbyn's speech was ridiculed by many and there were even claims that he contradicted himself. I suppose one man's meat is another man's poison, would be an apt phrase.
  9. Is it on the shelf with the skimmed milk?
  10. Local news is that there are already bidders preparing to carry on with Rugby, no mention of anything else.
  11. I don't think it will happen like that. Too many tracks aren't viable and the crunch has to come, then there will be less clubs, whatever anyone thinks about it. All this struggle to get several prominent clubs to the tapes for the coming season is extremely bad publicity and will be driving potential fans away.
  12. This isn't about other countries. I remember Ivan Mauger saying that if you raced four two valve JAWAs down a drag strip they would all finish withing a few feet of each other. While these aren't two valve JAWAs, there should be very little difference between them.
  13. Very true, another factor is that housing has been approved on land surrounding the stadium and the Richard Dunn centre opposite the main entrance, is likely to be sold because of running costs. The most likely buyers for that particular plot would again be housing developers.
  14. Some riders have already had a season with them and they aren't compulsory (yet), also riders can try them out at Kings Lynn and Scunthorpe, both clubs currently have one available for test rides.
  15. Wouldn't it be better if everyone was using the same engines and didn't have to bother about servicing every few weeks? I can see your point about losing some of your freedoms but It must have become obvious to you (when you embarrassingly parade in front of near empty stadiums) that costs are too high, both in terms of running things about and collecting them and the bills involved. I know some of you do a lot of your own work but there are others who are too busy and don't have that option.
  16. Don't think he does, there's no evidence of him doing any Speedway on his Facebook.
  17. I don't understand the "scraping the barrel" remark or the ignoring of my point about driving there. Why ask a question and then attempt to belittle the answers? Why not ask Rosco, he's answered things for me on Twitter? http://www.speedwaygp.com/news/article/4740/rosco-2017-camp-compulsory They drove there last year.
  18. https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2015/jul/27/where-in-the-world-is-it-worst-place-to-be-a-christian
  19. I thought they actually drove there. There may be out of season noise restrictions or all sorts of reasons not to use NSS.
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