It used to be a maximum allowance, now it's taken as normal. You don't know why everyone has walked away from the sport, I did say that it was one of a combination of things.
I saw a video of a race from this meeting, half of it was riders off their bikes gardening, the promoters were supposed to be stopping that! I certainly wouldn't pay to watch it, so the same old rubbish that has contributed to the (almost) downfall of UK Speedway, carries on sharpening the nails and hammering them into the coffin lid.
I think one of the main problems is the conflict between modern machines and out of date tracks. Look at Belle Vue, it was designed for modern day machines and the racing is fabulous but some of the tracks that used to be brilliant are now less so, one example is Sheffield, it was great for decades but now it looks too narrow and just not right for modern machines. Some of the awkward little tracks (nowadays known as technical) are so b****y awful that I wouldn't go if I lived in the same road and admission was free.
You wont lose every meeting because of the track, a lot of visitors don't like it and just go through the motions to get it over with. Having said that; we don't know the full line-up, so that could be a surprise.
With far fewer fixtures this year, I was hoping there wouldn't be any racing until April, it'll be the same at the end of the season, with clubs struggling to complete things in October. Very disappointing!