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About richsimpson

  • Birthday 08/18/1980

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    Resource planning manager

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    Coventry Bees

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  1. Hope Woffy is in the uk in 2014, not a fan of his really but the fans deserve to see their World Champion. They don't come around that often!
  2. British Speedway is currently in the position where all the dodgy deals, cartels and illegal ways of working over the years have almost killed the sport. I believe that transparency is the way forward and that by the fans knowing how the sport works and operates it may actually get the sport breathing again. It's not got many more chances. In the modern day transparency in most operations is absolutely key. Didn't catch your name Mr Sensible.
  3. Another poster hiding behind their forum name. I'm transparent Mr Sensible. Who are you? We've figured out who Barry The Cat is already
  4. Another thread that's being heavily moderated in the totally independent BSF. I do wonder sometimes how far the rotten core of the BSPA stretches.
  5. Double bluff. Come out from behind your mask. Why people hide behind a forum name always amuses me boyo.
  6. Couldn't have put it better bro. Up the Bees for 2014, it can't be a worse year surely.....
  7. Can't use air horns at Birmingham, planning restrictions.
  8. Well done Poole pirates! certainly the better team over the 2 legs of the Final. Brummies, beaten but not disgraced.
  9. Middlo says they have the whole team there. Thought the terraces looked busy, no wonder they needed a couple of coaches!
  10. Didn't think the teams could go it alone but were forced to use a single firm to host the sites in the traditional BSPA fashion of jobs for the boys?
  11. Last time it meant the site had been suspended because there were 27 visitors to the page, causing global concern to all sorts of websites...... Interesting that it's a different firm and admin behind it this time. Perhaps AP Media have been given the push? Bextec.co.uk this time is the listed admin David Green, based in Heckmondwike?
  12. Suspended by .....? And at a time that was considered most damaging. No doubt you will claim it's this supposed third party (not the administrator detailed on the holding page that was displayed) that decided if a suspension was required and at what time to commence it. We must also assume that the problems you have alleged were fixed for that suspension to have been lifted too? Yet the site still seems to be experiencing problems. Why then wouldn't the same suspension have been put into practice again, and why was it ever lifted....
  13. But again. It was fine a few hours earlier with 10 times as many visitors per hour. Maybe that's looking at it too basically? It's like saying we can fit 200 people in a room at 12 pm but at 7pm when the Brummies site might have a good news story, we can only fit 20 in.
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