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British Speedway Forum

Steve Matthews

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Everything posted by Steve Matthews

  1. This year is the second year where we have stayed in Bristol Friday night- Holiday Inn for £78 (and an upgrade to a suite)! Drive into Cardiff for lunchtime and park up in knox street car park (expensive but easiest getaway after the meeting) Couple of beers pre - event and a painless drive back to our own beds in North Yorkshire for 1am Cardiff is a total rip off and beginning to think BSI are doing the same to the fans these days. The stadium deserves to be filled and theres only one way of doing that - drop the ticket prices - put every seat on the top tear on special offer I wont be sitting on the internet tomorrow waiting for the date next year................ the jury is still out
  2. OMG will somebody pull the plug on the post break commentator - I think he has been studying the book of "random facts" - I guess its difficult to know where anything is when your commentating from the comfort of your own shed in the uk!
  3. SATURDAY JUNE 1st 2013 has just been announced for next year
  4. Dont think it will be June 1st in Copenhagen as Denmark have a world cup qualifying match on the 11th! - Even there grass doesnt grow that quick
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