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Everything posted by Friddy75

  1. If its Roynon for Knight, it will be the most excited I've been about the tigers since 2011 when we had Parker, Ashworth and Auty. Still need the management to do there bit though when it comes to the team. Put Roynon(if it is) at 4. Wells at five and Hall at three away and swap them for home matches. PLEASE BE ROYNON!! 🙏
  2. Sweden race on a Wednesday night. I did say IF they fit. And I would guess that Karlsson was brought in as cover while Roynon recovered.
  3. I think we should stick with the team till the assessed averages have changed. Otherwise it will just be damage control. I have no problems with the three heat leaders. And unlike many others I feel Joe will come good. Albin has bags of potential but has to be at reserve. I have been surprised by Jake. I thought he would be well off the pace but he has showed some signs he may cut it at premier level, but he needs as many meetings as possible and now he has quit National league racing I can only see him going backwards. Koppe, I just can't see the improvement in him. He just doesn't look comfy on a bike. I believe the averages will change after the meeting at home to Berwick on June 6th. We need to be ready for instant changes or the season and possibly the Tigers could be dead in the water. Adam Roynon has tweeted he is back in training to ride. If he is going back to Leicester then our promotion need to be on the phone to Magnus Karlsson today to offer him a contract at Sheffield to start on June 7th. I'd be inclined to drop Koppe for Karlsson. If we have enough points to play with after that I would then drop Knight and bring in the more experienced Charles Wright. We could then line up as follows 1 Stead 2 Haines 3 Wells 4 Hall 5 Karlsson 6 Albin 7 Wright Changes our team from certain wooden spoon contenders to possible play off challengers depending on how far we fall behind between now and June 6th.
  4. Here goes my opinions for the Tigers for 2012 1 Stead Do think he will be a good number one and also fantastic as captain and mentor to the young lads. But I don't think he will be as dominant as some are expecting and feel he'll end the season having dropped a point off his average. 2 Koppe Excited to see what the lad can do. But a little concerned that I've heard his name pre-season for a couple of years and no one has snapped him up. At 24 he's a late starter to the premier league when there's several 16-18 year olds joining this season. If he can get near his starting average he will of done well. 3 Haines I think joe will continue to improve this season although he will find it harder in the main body. Such a good gater that he'll always have a chance and showed he can pass towards the end of last season. 4 Hall Can't fault his commitment to the cause for Sheffield and could be considered a number 1 at home. Would of liked to see him help out the lower average riders by blocking when he gets in front and showed some team riding. Not likely to see it now the bonus point money has been dropped. It's all about the away form for Richard. 5 ???? For me I hope it's Wells. Think he has massive potential and could add a point and a half. Yes he didn't do as well as he did for Wolves but it was starting to show at the end of the season home and importantly away. If not Wells I can't see any other rider who could be called a third heat leader signing for the same deal on offer and think we'll end up with a second string rider in that position. 6 Albin Again very excited to see what the lad can do. Sounds a hot prospect but can't say any more till I've seen him ride. Same as Koppe, if he can get near his 5 point average he will have done well. 7 Knight Would like the lad to surprise me but truthfully think he will be out of his depth. Didnt look on the pace when guesting for us and riding at 8. And going by his position in the National league I can't see him doing to well. Good luck to the lad! Team Very risky side. Would be happy with any of the signings in a different blend of riders but as a team I'm a little worried we'll take some hammerings away and will lose more at home than last season. Management I guess we'll go with Hoggy and Hinchcliff again. Personally I think Hoggy should be back on centre green where he belongs promoting the club and exciting the crowd. Hinchcliff could do the job this year looking after the young lads as he's done for the Tigers before with Stead having some input to help out. Would really like a different person as manager but don't think it will happen so no point going on about it Promotion With only 10 weeks till the season begins I'm a little disappointed. Still dont know the team. No talk of prices. Not heard of anything happening differently to try and improve the promotion of Sheffield Tigers. I've got a little inkling that the promotion have already decided to sell up this year as I can't understand why they'd spent money on assets in a year when we've been warned it could be the last. Other than it looks better to potential buyers and gives them a season to find a buyer. Track Do agree with others that the racing has become a bit tame. Ok we have lost some great passes like Auty and Ashworth but it was mentioned by Hoggy last season that the track was set up like it was because the riders wanted it like that. Stead and Hall need the dirt and possibly Wells and Albin would benefit too. On the down side it could go against Joes style. Not very confident but hoping I'm proved wrong. Really looking forward to the season starting and good luck to all involved!
  5. Ignore the above post as he has wrote a similar comment straight after on the Sheffield thread.
  6. Not sure what satisfaction you get from going on the Plymouth thread and suggesting they have signed Bonky then coming on here within the same minute and suggesting Bonky as a rider for Sheffield. Your previous post claimed to know the ins and outs of details between club and rider and who would sign instead. If your after a bite well done! Otherwise keep your false information and suggestions to yourself.
  7. The press release about Wells said he was happy with the same deal as last year which going by Sheffield was in my opinion probably not a lot. He is not asking for more money. It said he had been asked to take a pay cut on last seasons deal. If your a Wells fan or not I would suggest he is the best option for the last spot. I really can't see Nedermark or North for that matter signing for the deal that Wells is being offered, whatever it is. I think if Wells declines we could be looking at another cheap option. Would the anti Wells fans rather have Schramm or Sanchez?
  8. No one did it last year if they didn't gate as it was the way the track was set up. Even Hall struggled to come from behind in his first two rides. Joe did so well last year as he was so strong out of the gate, I can only remember him passing another rider once, he did it all from the front. As for Ricky Wells showing no interest when not gating here's a little reminder if you went. Off 15m, passed Skiddy, realed in Fisher and crossed the line level with Barker!
  9. I was not aware North had a Polish team. And I wouldn't be shocked if Peterborough signed him this coming season, he was one of the top riders in the premier league towards the end. He also had a good guest ride for Swindon. If I had choice he would be signed along with Wells as our last two riders. My point is if Sheffield can't afford to offer Wells the same deal as last year, what's the chances that North would sign for the same sort of deal on offer? (Sheffield being the only team he'll fit) Like Spin king says, if we can't afford to sign Wells on a deal that he was never going to accept why even try? As for people not wanting Wells because of this or that who do they think will sign for Sheffield for the same sort of deal?
  10. Agree we have to keep to a budget. But we were told when Stead was signed that it was the biggest deal in the clubs history. So why sign one rider on the biggest deal and then try to tempt another one back on less money than last year when he's already said he lost money riding for us. Should of spread the money out between the team and not just on one rider.
  11. North doesn't have a ride. But could he come over from Australia to live in this country on what he would earn at Sheffield, doubtful unless he gets an Elite league ride to top his income up.
  12. So if no Wells take your pick from: Hall & Franc Hall & Nedermark Hall & Sanchez Hall & Schramm Hall & Hawkins Hall & Wilson Hall & Mills Hall & Allott Hall & Jakobsen For me it has to be Hall & Wells
  13. Everyone has a different opinion about the team and riders. Myself and a few other believe Ricky Wells will make strides and become a very good rider this year. In my opinion I think he can push for at least 8 points this season(if Sheffield sign him). I think we are looking at the other rider being Hall. Sheffield won't go splashing the cash flying riders in to the country or riders like North and Poole won't come back to the UK on a cheap deal just to ride in the Premier league. With 14.93 left to play with and the need for two heat leaders I'd like to know which two riders people suggest we can get instead of Hall and Wells on the budget that is obviously available?(Riders and averages on BSPA website)
  14. In my opinion I believe Ricky Wells is a must, I personally think he would challenge Stead for the number 1 position. Just had a look through the remaining available riders and I can't see anyone who has the potential as Wells, and certainly no one who looks as though they'd come to Sheffield for the money being offered. Think we need to start and prepare for the return of Sanchez and Hall as 2nd and 3rd heat leaders. PLEASE SIGN WELLS!!
  15. Ricky Wells is based in the uk less than an hour away from track through the season. If they can't afford Wells on last seasons package I doubt they could afford an overseas rider who's average is higher. Same for North or Poole, I can't see them coming over from Oz on a cheap deal unless they can top their income up with an elite ride.
  16. If we don't sign Wells I fear we are going to be so far away from being competitive with every other team. If we can't put a deal together for Wells we can forget other riders like North or even Poole and I would expect the last two to be Sanchez and Hall. Although I don't know the ins and outs of each deal I'm struggling to understand why we have broke the bank and put together the biggest deal in Tigers history to get Stead to return. Have sent out a young asset in Skiddy and if we do get Wells, we will be losing out on a loan fee for Sanchez. I'm also a little baffled why we have spent money buying or supporting new assets in a year when we have been warned things need to change or bust. Wouldn't it have been better to fill the team with the assets we have to save money and who we know can at least do a job at Sheffield. Although not a team many would of liked but 1 Masters/Grajczonek/Doolan/Lemon etc 2 Skiddy 3 Wells 4 Sanchez 5 Hall 6 Haines 7 Knight Wouldn't this have been a less risky team at a lower cost and on paper be more competitive at home which was one of the criteria for next season?
  17. When did we last have a real team manager? 2011 Eric Boocock, when we also had a good competitive team, a good presenter and better crowds.
  18. I'll be very happy to see Wells back, think he could end the season as number 1. As for the line up I still feel we'll be wooden spoon champions. If the next 2 are Wells and Hall I hope the last rider is either North or Nedermark.....but I highly doubt it.
  19. Yes your right if your using Scunny last season as an example, yes they made change's mid season and ended up PL champions. But did they bring Tom Armstrong over hoping he would fail so they could re-build? And as someone else has said, mid season changes are not something Sheffield are known for doing anyway.
  20. If we are building a team with changes in mind over the first couple of months we could already be way out of contention for making the play offs. Meaning season over in the first couple of months. I doubt the crowds are going to be healthy in this situation. And why sign a rider who you don't feel confident can last the season and improve. Surely stupid to sign a rider purposely to fail and give us more points to build with a month or two into the season.
  21. Got to agree with oilyrag, I'm not picking and choosing or considering going elsewhere to spite the promotion or because I haven't got my 'fantasy' team. I just want £15 worth of good speedway. And going off last season compared to what this season looks like I feel I'd rather spend my money either somewhere else or pick when entertaining riders will be visiting or keep the money on my pocket.
  22. I'm a tigers fan and have been for 32 years. I'll always be a tigers fan. But my funds are very restricted. When I spend my money I want to watch some good speedway, I don't expect to win ever week. But I do want to be satisfied by my weekly fix of speedway. Do you watch Elite league on Sky and Gps? I do doesn't make me a supporter of Poole or Swindon. Just means I love speedway and want to see more of it. If I can only afford to watch one meeting a week I feel I'll get better value else where!
  23. I'm sorry to the people who think its wrong to be negative. But I am not going to join in only when I feel I have something good to say. A forum is for fans different opinions, it's not about blowing smoke where the sun don't shine towards riders or the promotion. Credit where credits due! In the real world I would like my team to hammer every team at home, pick up a few points away and be at least contenders for the play offs. But my personal opinion is the team, be it only on paper is very poor, and that's before all other teams are completed. Many fans expressed their feelings about last seasons team before the season started, saying it was so poor that they had lost interest. Unfortunately fans backed this up when the season started and the club ended the year second from bottom with talk of packing up if the crowds didn't improve. I don't expect the promotion to go out and blow the bank on a set of riders. But it does seem their team building plans are non-existent when it comes to a competitive team. Makes me wonder why Boocock left. I still went every week last season and I'll try to go as often this season but as a fan of speedway I want to be entertained for my money. I want to go to a meeting with hope that we will win. But I'm afraid this team, however it's finished just doesn't fill me with excitement or hope. Like someone else has said if your not going to try and be competitive what's the point in me wasting my money. And yes I'll give these lads a chance, in a different mix I'd be happy to have any of them but as a 1-7 I'm just not convinced. I'd be extremely happy for them all to prove me wrong and I'll quite rightly take any criticism for doing so.
  24. Well with the addition of Richard Hall to what we already have. I can only guess the last two riders to finish the team. The best pair I could come up with is Wells and North, although I doubt very much this will be the two we get. The longer it drags on the less likely I feel we'll capture Wells again. With the above in mind I think we are out and out favourites for the wooden spoon. I know some teams are not completed but several have a stronger look than us already. Even our usual safety net Plymouth look as though they can put out a better side than us just with the remaining unused riders from last season. I certainly can. If my funds are short next season and it's a choice of one meeting a week, I think Scunny will be getting my hard earned cash. Stead may bring a few back for the first few meetings but after that I worry for the survival of the club.
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