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Jonny the spud

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Everything posted by Jonny the spud

  1. I hope if speedway does come back to Essex and anyone from previous promotions is involved, the riders owed thousands will be paid before any permission was granted.
  2. As the title says. Does anyone know where I can get live updates for tonight’s matches ?
  3. Ha ha. And you wonder why riders don’t bother coming on here. Enjoy next wednesday chaps. I’m outta here
  4. Aaaaand someone brings up money. It only took a couple of hours. Last time Adam rode there I heard stories about the money he was allegedly being paid. He was actually getting half of what I was told. Gotta love a bit of gossip
  5. You mean lay downs that have been around for nigh on 30 years ?
  6. Does anyone know if this weekends SEC from Poznan will be on TV/internet ?
  7. Jeeez. Why do you even bother replying to the joker. He has to be up for school in the morning
  8. You also have promotors saying all is well, then shutting a club and owing riders thousands as the manager who continued the party line of büllsheet just goes to another club and will no doubt repeat the cycle again. It’s already amateur, and crooked.
  9. He who laughs last doesn’t get the joke.
  10. Ahhh, RR2017 and his various aliases still trolling several threads, replying to himself and making up stories to seek attention, it’s pathetic really that you keep needing to draw attention to yourself to feel good. he’s a bit like thrush really. Just an irritating tw*t that refuses to go away.
  11. Was it him or one of his aliases who said Adam was going to Kings Lynn ?
  12. With rumours of unpaid riders that go through speedway, I’d say it’s the riders who take financial risks too.
  13. With rumours of unpaid riders that go through speedway, I’d say it’s the riders who take financial risks too.
  14. Good theory, and one I suppose should not just be applied to RH ......
  15. You may as well delete this thread, black heart started one with the same title two days ago and I know how you hate it when someone does that
  16. It’s not just Rye house that owe riders thousands.
  17. It’s funny how some supporters shout that the promoters should spend more money on gp stars, 2 minute clocks, electric scoreboards etc, etc, but moan at the price of entry/ programs. Youll never please everyone no one no matter what.
  18. I didn’t say it was, lakeside only rent the stadium. They’re not responsible for the fixtures and fittings, last night was a shambles but hardly their fault in the panthers press release Ged hinted that the team had made massive changes and could have pulled it back. laughable
  19. “We had made massive changes to our bikes “ did he he really say that with a straight face ?
  20. So have you asked either of them if they’re riding the grass track or is this just another ill informed piece of fantasy ?
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