Its not as if its an important meeting not fussed about r,/r only the diehards will be there dont think it will a big crowd thought they might have done a discount for last meeting.
Still think so at least our season lasted longer than last year just a pity we could not hold on to our lead to make the Worky matches interesting well done to the Monarchs.All the best for the final.
Me neither looked like a NL rider than someone who spent all last season there dont understand why Stormy didnt get 7 rides think we could have got 2 OR 3 points more .Harkness more astute at switching reserves around heat 8 and 11.
Dont know why i bother going to watch Berwick up there after 2 heats it went downhill.After Vissings second ride and Bellegos second ride they should have just put their bikes back in the vans.How Vissing got heat 15 i dont know and Matty only getting 5 rides,Doolan best by far Edberg was good when he gated otherwise he seemed uninterested not finishing 2 races.