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    East Lothian
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    Speedway, football, beer.
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    Berwick Bandits

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  1. I said that on updates about the track grading, have watched a lot of Scunthorpes home meetings (great racetrack) and there's very rarely a grade especially after 4 heats,I don't get why you'd do that when 10 in front.
  2. He's also the first rider out if anyone comes off, regardless of what team they ride for also a nice guy to speak to.
  3. The last time I streamed an Edinburgh meeting couldn't cast to TV does anyone know if this is still the case TIA
  4. Some have rode champioship league for a couple of years big difference of ability eg senna summers and Jake Mulford don't you think?
  5. There's a big spread of riders ability here,can see some strung out races, maybe they should think of a handicap system regarding what league they ride in to balance it up, just my thoughts
  6. How many weeks ago did the season start again surely most places had eight dry race nights to many blank race nights that's the problem.
  7. Yes, only having 8 league fixtures to-do shocking most haven't when they say at the start of the season what the cut off date is they should stick to it.
  8. On updates it says he pulled up on centre green,then gave up when at the back in another ride,think Mr Campbell was right.
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