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Everything posted by remembertheracers

  1. Reading never seemed to start on time at Smallmead and, on my trips to Blunsdon, Swindon seem not to. Their local news reporter Andy Warren times the start of each race, so its easy to check on the Swindon Advertiser site. Unless there is a compelling reason not to its just unfair on the fans who have got there on time after work etc and with work the next morning. I see Birmingham finished their 15 races just before 9pm last night.
  2. Sky seem to assume that having a female will keep the blokes happy - rubbish. If Pearson and Tatum played back and analysed their commentary they would learn and improve, I like the Chris Louis bit, I'd like to see more different riders interviewed - eg North and Birks last night. And for gods sake pension off Ermolenko!
  3. For a first effort Eurosport did well. I liked Keith Heuwen and, while some of the studio guests were good, we were often subjected to the ramblings of Sam Ermolenko. I thought the Aussie race commentators were very good, enjoyed hearing Johnno again.
  4. I think Speedway Mail was fun, but made a huge mistake in going to a magazine format. As a package the Star was always superior, but the Mail did offer a different angle sometimes.
  5. An extra £3 for 7 extra races? Seems fair but £20 plus £3 for a programme is an expensive night. It was too cold and Blunsdon is a place where the few, not the many, can watch behind glass and/or sit down. Three good races all night for me, sorry..... When Stadia UK raised hopes of the Racers back in Reading next year perhaps I should think Mr Osbourn is not in cloud cuckoo land once again. So the hike on car park charges and inflated drinks prices are par for the course with them. Mrs Bliss, for all her faults, kept speedway affordable for us at Smallmead Sorry Chalkie I know Steady was exciting at home, but watching Kennett look so amateurish at times last night, the error was not keeping Jason Doyle. The low crowd was a bit of a shock, but the Troy-Gate saga has not helped. I hope the Bob Kilby meeting can be continued but think they will have to go with the cheaper 12 rider 15 heat formula and normal prices.
  6. Right, time to save money. For the odd bit of football I watch and the very poor entertainment of most, but not all, Elite League matches televised last year the expensive Sky Sports can go. We are all potentially better off with Eurosport taking the GP's on. I'm sure we will get some grumbles but most of the Sky team attract a lot of moans on here. Hopefully they will get commentators who both repeat themselves and shout far less. Yes shout when something fantastic happens but far, far less.
  7. People are less willing to put up with endless delays in the modern era as the staia get more and more out f date. If I go to football, which I don't anymore, I get 90 minutes with the ball in play for about 6 of them - and a fifteen minute half time.If I go to ice hockey I get three twenty minute periods and the clock stops when play does - and two 15 minute breaks. At football and ice hockey I get a seat, the latter is indoors. At speedway I get 15/16 minutes of racing with about one hundred and fifteen minutes of delays, gardening at the tapes etc ' When we had second halves in two 20 races in 2 hours generally. Therein lies one of the sport's biggest problem. Even Kelvin Tatum was getting grumpy about delays on Sky last year and he was paid to be there!
  8. Darcy Ward is clearly the Michael Lee of 2012/3. A tragic waste of a great talent on a bike, but a disaster in bed, socially and any other aspect you care to think of. Middlo is a nice guy but has achieved very little given the powerful Poole teams he has managed. No one, even the more grounded Rosco. could do much better with the limited GB talent available to him. The difference is in 1980 speedway was still a major attraction. Today, and I hate it, the sport is a joke. Ward is a walking disaster, Middlo should have said no comment. End of...
  9. To be fair English Roundabout almost all of the Swindon team were awful in that 2009 play off at Wolverhampton, even Leigh Adams, whose record of consistency at the top level was fabulous. Didn't Barry Briggs give them a pep talk before the second leg, and they almost pulled it back . As to the Troy Batchelor situation the BSPA should have dealt with it long ago. Neither Swindon or Peterborough want to budge, both think they are right. I expect he will line up for Swindon but one party is going to be unhappy. Putting it off makes no sense, decide now Mr Harkess and your MC chums!
  10. I'm told Swindon could have fitted Zagar in so Gary must be confident he will get Batchelor, but will it be on his terms after March 1? I would have given the visit of Belle Vue to Blunsdon a surefire miss, but if Zagar is there it becomes one to look forward to. By his own admission he has been called a diva, but Matej was magnificent for the Robins in 2009 and it got me driving down the M4 to Blunsdon for all home meetings.
  11. Thanks FP, love the Pat Butcher caption. Best laugh of the day. Someone should do a photoshop makeover. Seem to remember in the Star someone saying that what Trevor didnt know about speedway wasnt worth knowing.
  12. Just a thought but if Troy Batchelor needs a work permit he is not in as strong a position as a UK or EU rider is he?
  13. The 3 loan fees for NKI, Hans and Troy will net Peterborough £13k. Maybe more of Sullivan went to Belle Vue? Not bad for self employed lads on seasonal contracts....
  14. It seems to me that the Robins weakness is they have no alternative plan and Peterborough know it, and therefore have little to lose. At worst they still get loan fees... The impasse is bad for both clubs in terms of attracting sponsorship and fans, and therefore bad for our ailing sport. Of course come the start of the season the self employed riders could take out a court injunction,both money and bad publicity the sport cannot afford. Sorry but both clubs emerge from this the poorer.
  15. On paper Kennett seems to have more potiential but I sense he has peaked. Im only an oocasional visitor but a fit Jason Doyle was terrific for Swindon, home AND away, I think there is a bit more to come from Doyley and if I was a committed Swindon fan Id want Doyley back. As a neutral I think Jason is the better bet. How long has Eddie Kennett been one for the future? I suggest too long...
  16. I doubt you are right I'd say that King's Lynn look good. Seems a lot of Peterborough assets don't want to go back, I wonder why?
  17. I find it amazing that Jason Doyle is hardly mentioned. He put in a great season in 2012.
  18. Nicolai Klindt was rated a potential wonderboy a few years ago, but his current form may not be far off his career peak. Yet he would score more points away than SS. To those who point to Poole, look at his one point at Birmingham in the S/F where I may be wrong but I think he was reserve! Don't get me wrong I've enjoyed Simon's better nights at Blunsdon from the discomfort of standing on a slope. I'd suggest that a title winning team would do so largely in spite of SS, and possibly NK too. If NK doesnt improve a lot in 2013 then all the hype, when allegedly half the EL (including the mighty Poole and the always under performing Peterborough), then he isn't going to make it big. If he is fit I'd prefer Zengi to both.
  19. Totally agree on Zagar, he is the one rider that would see me attend all home meetings. Clearly he doesn't fit though unless Peterborough don't allow Andersen and Batchelor back. While I feel sad about Simon Stead the truth is that he has been a long way off pulling his weight in the vast majority of away matches, and therefore his average reflects generally good home performances.
  20. Sadly Aspegren, who I liked, and Alden, now a much more mature rider are both likely to race in the Swedish Allsvenskan League on Thursdays. I;d say Peter Kildemand, Jason Doyle and Hans Andersen should top the list, Nick Morris a yes and if possible Batch
  21. With only one year on Mike Bowden's lease and few riding assets the place can't be worth much.A shame, always enjoyed visiting the place. With Exeter, Trelawny and Weymouth long gone its a huge loss to the sport.
  22. Good luck Lee. A great prospect before he walked away from the sport and later was still an entertainer when he returned.
  23. There are NO British riders worthy of a regular spot right now. Possibly Jepsen Jensen was sounded out and preferred to wait - itsexpensive to ride the GP's unless you are among the Elite top few..
  24. That is so true. I can assure you Swindon really miss both Reading and Oxford, though a few Racers fans went to Blunsdon regularly when Matej Zagar was starring for the Robins
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