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Everything posted by TheReturn

  1. A very good question Dave, why don't you start us off, the master of insulting other forum users. Dave, being serious now can I offer you some advice? Now and then you might want to post something serious that you want others to take seriously. The problem is when you post hypocritical crap like this, nobody is ever going to take you serious. When it comes to trolling, which is a word you love to use, you are the Number One Forum Troll. Dude, treat others on the forum with respect and others will treat you with respect, it's a two way thing. End of my advice, up to you if you listen. My guess is you will simply reply with another insult.
  2. Ok he made a decision, but it was a bottling decision. Most fans think the crash was the fault of one or the other rider, so the referee should have excluded one of them, and it seems most think CH. Based on the excuses given by you for the referee, next time two riders come together on the third or fourth bends,or on the second or third laps, we can call all four back where it is 50/50?
  3. How many times, he didn't make a decision, he took the easy option. It was not first bend bunching, one or the other pushed into the other.
  4. You are the master of that. This is about the referee failing to make a decision. If you want to question the personalities of the two riders, we could rake up spitgate where Holder spat out at the camera. But it's not a thread about that, it's about the referee failing to make a decision to exclude CH or NP.
  5. I have to agree with Blazeaway Gavan. I don't think he really made a decision, but took the easy option. Being a referee is hard, and over the years I have tried to avoid being critical of ref's, so I don't mind them making mistakes, every referee will make mistakes in every sport, On this occasion I think he chose not to make a decision for whatever reason. Either CH or NP were at fault, which one is the decision to make.
  6. A rider should aspire to reach the pinnacle of their career through hard work and graft not through a lucky dip draw because they happen to have a British passport. There is also a train of thought, that if you earn it, you respect it more.
  7. If Woffinden is selected I would hope it is for his ability, not because he wears a Team GB race jacket. I suspect it is for the latter reason though, because on ability I don't think he is consistent enough for GP standard.
  8. Yep, and why the GP should not be allowed to consider selections based on commercial interests, but on sporting interests, and the top 15 in the World, regardless of nationality. Out of interest, who actually selects the wildcards?
  9. Oh give it a rest.. FFS. You get grief on here because of the rubbish you spout, not because you're an Aussie (although I thought I read from others you were Welsh).
  10. A lot of people are saying Holder only ran into Nicki, because Nicki leaned in on him, An explanation I don't accept, but even if that was correct, then Nicki should have been excluded as the cause of the stoppage, and my original point remains, the referee bottled it. All four back is the easy way out.
  11. Personally I think the SGP should be the pinnacle of the sport, and therefore it should be the best 15 riders in the worlds, even if 10 of those happen to be Polish, Aussie or whatever. Lets not just stick in a British rider for the sake of it, or if in ten years time there are no top Poles, lets not stick a Pole in just to keep Polish fans happy. Always the top 15 riders in the world.
  12. Typical suck up to Holder from the media and blame Nicki. The context is irrelevant, Holder's hanger-on's had no place on the track. Rubbish, half the people on here saying the referee was right are only doing so because they are Poole or Holder fans, nearly all neutrals, just like the international speedway riders last night, are all calling it that Holder was fortunate to be back in.
  13. An argument from the BFD school of posting.,.. I don't agree with other people's opinions, so I will insult them.
  14. He is an enigma, but for the first time, tonight I saw a real all round performance from Lindback. In previous years, and for parts of this year too Lindback would gate and look unbeatable, but would have a bad first bend and look no better than Harris. Yet tonight, he was racing hard, and really impressed me tonight. As you say, if he can be more consistent, who knows, he could be up there next season.
  15. Are you for real? I was attacking the referee for bottling it.
  16. Forgive me for butting in on a private squabble, but Dave, how do you have the audacity to post this after calling fans on here scum?
  17. Just going back to the referee bottling it, and making a decision that at least three international riders seemed to suggest was wrong (Tatum, Ermolenko and Sullivan), is it time to do what F1 now do for the GPs and have an ex rider involved in such decisions, at least for the semi's and finals?
  18. I actually like a fair few Aussie riders, including Crump and the many that rode for my team over the years. But I don't like some Aussie riders for their antics and personality. Ward and Holder to name but two. Nothing to do with them being Aussie, just to do with them being **.
  19. With respect, when three international speedway riders state Holder was lucky not to be excluded, I will take their opinion over yours any day.
  20. I agree, although with 6 points and a flying Gollob, I actually am not sure Nicki would have done it in the final anyway, would have been interesting though.
  21. He did not hit Holder, Holder move right and hit Nicki. I suggest you watch again.
  22. I had always liked Holder, but I lost respect for Holder earlier in the season when over several weeks and meetings he kept accusing other riders of bailing out too easily, when in most of those Holder had clearly caused the incidents. Accusing other riders of bailing I think is incredibly disrespectful. He deserves the title I guess, I just don't respect him.
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