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Everything posted by TheReturn

  1. Bit harsh, I always thought when in the mix, Harris always looked ok, but he was constantly hampered by being behind before the first bend.
  2. I think my only criticism from Saturday I don't think is Eurosports graphics anyway, but the riders announcing their name in the graphics before each heat got very boring, very quickly. I think something like that is great to show with the vocal reading of the names pre meeting when listing the riders, but not during each heat.
  3. To be fair Tai had a great first GP. Hard to tell though if this was a good race or not because it was pretty much those on gate one in red pretty much had it sewn up. But overall a great first GP for Tai,
  4. For me it seemed to lack the 'passion' of other GPs, but I think maybe because it was early season and away from Europe maybe? Dunno, just guessing.
  5. Because if Mr Charisma is so shouty and annoying you end up turning your TV over and miss the Speedway, your enjoyment is spoiled. At the last last nights shouty guy seemed to have some personality, and some how made it work. Johno is always good, he seems to spot things other ex riders dont.
  6. Hopefully not Pearson, he was awful three or four seasons ago and remains awful this season. Still, as I won't be paying more money to watch speedway, guess I won't have to put up with him ruining my GP coverage, because I won't have any GP coverage for him to ruin this season then. I am gutted, in this difficult economic times I am not paying more to watch it on top of my existing Sky sports subsription. At least some of you will get to watch it though. But why is it when Millard makes mistakes he is called out, yet Pearson made a fair few SGP clangers, including missing the point when we had a new World Champ last season, and calling the wrong GP winner a couple of seasons prior. I am fairly sure there 'must' be better options, time speedway broadcasters explored some.
  7. Does not mean much that they are sticking by their quote, can still be misquote. Some crappy backwater local newspaper in North Wales misquoted me last week in a work related comment, and depsite pointing out the fact they had totally misquoted me they stand by their article. In my case, I am not losing much sleep over it, but I have filled a PCC complaint, not that those useless morons ever do much. But the point is, I can now easily believe how a newspaper can write total rubbish, and make it out to be total truth.
  8. Well to be honest I am really pleased to read that, relieved in fact. It was a very silly thing to have said, and I am pleased he did not actually say it. Matt Fords response was actually very good by comparrison.
  9. Been out busy living my life, earning a crust... so forgive me being late to the party. Now, back to what I posted, did was it an accurate quote?
  10. I would love to know if Middlo actually said this? Because if that is an accurate quote, I think that is the one of the most stupidest and shocking comments I have ever seen, and if a football manager said that, he would be sacked pretty damn quickly. It's wasn't on track, so it's ok then... what a moron Middlo is... if that is an accurate quote.
  11. And unless people start telling him to a face what a stupid prat he is, rather than contuining to blindy defend him, he will more likely keep doing stupid things like this and next time, it may not end so harmlessly.
  12. Oh dear, What a moron, only beaten in the moronic stakes by Middleditch's comments.
  13. It does look like a holding page yes, not a very good one, but a holding page non-the-less. However, even a holding page should work within mobile devices these days, it should be functional and it isn't, so criticism appropriate. Like the earlier poster said, iframes, not the way to go.
  14. Because I suspect like many things within the speedway world, it seems to be another example of speedway jobs for speedway mates. Many of the official sites seem to have be done by the same person using the same naff CMS system with gharish colours. Sorry, I know the guy behind them is part of the forum, but I am afraid the feedback is valid, the sites are nearly all dated back to the 90s, the types of sites common in the days of old netscape broswers, who remembers netscape broswer? From the official BSPA site, to the Pratson's, to many of the official speedway sites, they are all mirror sites using the same CMS format with naff colours. And before anyone accuses me of being negative for the sake of it and tell me to do better, which is the standard response on here, I can do better, I come from a web design background myself. The thing is with speedway, the racing might be crap sometimes, but you can capture some amazing still action shots, and video clips which would really help create some great visually fantastic websites. Some of the modern CMS systems (and I don't mean Wordpress) are very powerful, and can help create brilliant websites, but the skill of a good web designer is to create sites which look individual, not some standard template.
  15. Is this not a discussion forum then? For open debate and discussion?
  16. May I ask why Poole, does anyone know? Was this simply a case that Mr Ford lobbied for Poole to host it? if so, then fair play to him, good promotion which is his job. Although I hope the track is worked on to ensure it is smooth. But would the BSPA had any say in awarding to Poole? If so, it seems a strange choice as not exactly easy to get to being on the South Coast, Coventry or Peterborough obvious choices, both good tracks, good stadiums and fairly easy to access from all parts of the country via motorway links.
  17. To be honest I would not care even if Team GB missed out because I believe a final should be for the best teams. Not sure I like the Elite League play-off being the top four for the same reason. If they must do the play-off, top two teams only.
  18. I see once again the hosts are given a spot straight to the final, even though they may not even be in the top 6 in the world. Farce. Must be the top 4 nations for the final.
  19. I am not a Tai fan, but I do think some of the criticism he is getting is unfair. I don't think he is as bad as people make out and I do think he will win the odd race in the GP series, but I can't see him making the top eight. What really concerns me and makes me angry is the fact he was selected on commercial reasons, rather than genuine sporting reasons.
  20. Bye fat fella, thanks for the sport. Oh yeah, you accused me of trolling, but it's my thread... !
  21. Ok, if it is to be Woffinden I will get behind him and support him, but if as we all suspect he is out of his depth, what will they do for 2014 if no British rider makes it through the GP Challenge. I think BSP are merely delaying the inevitable, a SGP without a British rider. We just don't have anyone coming through. Now this should set huge alarm bells ringing in BSPA towers, they need to do something to bring through British kids for the future, if not these next 3 or 4 seasons, 5 years time, they need a long term plan. What that plan is I don't know, but won't be good for British Speedway with no real contenders for the World Title.
  22. How have I misquoted you? Are they not your words? they are not taken out of context, so how have I misquoted you? and yet again you accuse me of threatening you, show me where I threatened you. You live in a dreamworld don't you? You think the entire world is against you? Did someone steal your toys when you were a kid? Would explain the chip on your shoulder. You like using the word Troll, so just for you, definition of the word Troll Now, go back and read your own posts you have made tonight, because I would suggest you fit this bill. Don't believe me? Look at what you wrote on another thread 20 minutes ago.
  23. Nope, I don't have a life this weekend, working all through the night to meet a deadline for Monday, but thanks for caring enough to ask. I was right thought wasn't I. No helping some people. Why do you think they do that to you Dave, you never stopped to ask yourself why it is you they call these names?
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