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Everything posted by TheReturn

  1. All those that saying Niki went down to easily last night... One would like to ask how many of you have raced a speedway bike at that level, and with a broken arm? If you have, then feel free to come back and tell me that he did let it go too easily, I will listen then. But as most of us have never done that, sorry I think some of you are simply being unfair and talking about something that you are not qualified to comment on.
  2. I am starting to be really impressed by Tai, not just his riding, but off track he is starting to come across more and more professional. His interviews are always much more professional these days, and also speaking in Polish was rather impressive, and more than that. it showed respect to the Polish fans and clubs he rides for by at least attempting to learn some of the language. As for his riding tonight, wow... what more can you say, just wow.
  3. eeer, I hope that was a premature posting, the racing was brilliant all night. You can't blame the riders for the fact Pearson mentions it every five minutes. That was one of the bravest rides I have seen in many years by Woffy, clearly in pain every time the camera went to him in the pits, so the back patting is deserved a little.
  4. Not cheating, just does what he can to make his own luck... the stuff of champions.
  5. ... or 'every points counts'.. which it does, but does not need mentioning 100 times per broadcast.
  6. Sweepstake for how many times Pearson refers to Tai's broken bone? I will go with 8 times, with at least 4 'brave boys these speedway riders'. I respect Tai for taking the gamble to become World Champion, but yes, hard for the various league clubs who risk loosing him for longer, but I think Tai's decision is the thing World Champions are made off, he needs the points and will take the risk. Respect to Tai, hope it works out for him.
  7. A fairly pointless post Shadders... most people felt Tai was not good enough when he was given the pick, myself included, yet most people, myself included, have already posted weeks ago that we were wrong, and we are glad to be proved wrong. Tai is taking his chance and proving us wrong, good for Tai. Now stop points scoring Shadders
  8. Fantastic news, hope he makes it, brave thing to do, but with the World Title still within grasp he kinda needs to take the risk and hope he and Niki avoid each other this time.
  9. Great racing... bring us more of this please Sky.. although no more jobs for mates, lets not have Rosco commentating, give the job to someone who can a) commentate or perhaps is more involved in Premier League speedway. Did Sky use a different camera setup today to normal? , I thought they seemed to get some of the angles wrong during the racing as we seemed to miss some of the straight build ups to overtakes.
  10. Within the Manchester area maybe, but nationals have a wider reach, both printed editions and online editions.
  11. Why? Apart from the Speedway GP adverts on Sky, usually, during the Monday night league meetings, there is rarely anything about speedway in national press on a regular basis. In fact it made me think how far speedway as come, or rather lost its edge as a popular sport when watching an old rerun of George and Mildred on ITV3 recently, where they mention going to the speedway. Would that happen in popular British shows these days? I doubt it.
  12. Oh I am sorry, am I repeating myself, again, and again, and again. I thought that was ok and acceptable, because after all the aforementioned does it every other minute on his commentary too.
  13. Very good coverage, standing in front of track chatting to Scott is much better than being sat up in the box, the atmosphere seemed to come across better, and as others have said, you could really get the presenters 'boyish enthusiasm and excitement' for being there. I thought it worked well with Scott being a recent GP rider being there, who spoke clearly and with insight, just as did Kelvin prior to the racing starting. Sophie I think works, because the riders she interviews know she as the knowledge being married to a rider herself, so it all really worked. I assume it is not in the budget to have the same setup and presentation team at the tracks for every GP, but it would be nice if they did. My only complaint is the commentator, replace Pearson and it would be 100% perfect coverage.
  14. £700? that for a small party? if that was just your cost, I think you have been ripped off somewhere.
  15. My point about Essex/Sussex was about local speedway, not GP. However, using your analogy, Bristol and Bath are close enough to commute to Cardiff, and I was there a couple of weeks ago for a few days and I never saw anything promoting the GP.
  16. Unless the tap was enough to put him off balance, which he then hit one of the many ruts in the track. If Freddie forced Tai off his natural line with that mere tap, then I think Freddie is at fault.
  17. Good technical explanation thank you. eeer... no. You overtake in a safe manner, the same in racing sports, think F1 and a car coming in too fast and tapping the side of another car, not much, just enough to spin the car out. It is all because the overtaking car came in a bit too fast for the corner.
  18. That does sounds good promotion, but I assume it was limited to South Wales? Not sure the same promotion went on elsewhere outside of South Wales? An example of where I feel there is a lack of local efforts, where I am, I within a hours drive of two speedway tracks, Arena Essex and Eastbourne, and yet I have never seen any local promotion of either track.
  19. Some ok racing, I have seen far worse GPs. How much that was down to the bad track or not I don't know, but Harris third race was great stuff, so I thought the racing was ok, despite the bad track.
  20. Not really, I guess you should read before misquoting me hey? I actually agree, the track was not good tonight, but the point I am making is people need to expect such problems now and again on these temp tracks. If the temp tracks can not provide good, and safe racing then decisions needs to be made, Cardiff or Coventry in future years (or personally I would go for Kings Lynn, always superb racing).
  21. I never said it is not dangerous. What I am saying is people have a choice, glamorous stadiums with temp tracks like Cardiff, and risk dodgy tracks like tonight, or we go for regular speedway tracks where we are more likely to get better tracks (unless it is Poole of course).
  22. First of all, if it was truly dangerous, the riders would have refused to ride on it I am sure of that. But we have to be realistic, at this temp speedway stadia we are never going to get 100% perfect tracks. But whilst the crowds flog to Cardiff and buy their tickets, they will keep hosting them there.
  23. It is easy to blame the track a disgrace, but sadly when you have these non-speedway venues, we are always going to get the odd year where the track is like this.
  24. Using social media is so easy these days and need not cost little money for promoters, especially if they get supporters to help them. Get some great video clips of speedway 'racing' on You Tube, use Facebook and Twitter promoting local clubs, even try and get fans at Cardiff tomorrow and those at home trying to get #Speedway trending on Twitter. There is so much that could, and she be done, with just a little effort, you could be reaching people. Might work, might not, but it is the lack of any real consolidated effort by the BSPA that I find annoying. Increased promotion of speedway is good for all promotions, so I don't get the lack of 'promotion' by the majority.
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