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Everything posted by TheReturn

  1. Glad to see the Mods doing their usual bang up job of allowing stupid bullsh1t and even libellous posts to stand, and deleting others simply because they used the term 'moron' to describe the aforementioned post/er.
  2. So right, I think he said at some point if he was going to ride through the pain for the SGP, he owed it to his clubs to ride for them too, and his efforts to learn Polish were very professional too I thought. Total respect for how he conducted himself this season. Nigel Pearson uses the term 'Legend' for every other rider, I prefer to use it loosely for those that deserve the term, and I think Tai could well be one of those riders.
  3. Awful for Tai, and Gollob, just bad luck, but Pearson is such a doom and gloom merchant the moment both crashed. Why can't he wait for facts, like a good journalist.
  4. lets really get behind Tai and show some support. If he does go on to secure the World Title, it would be fully deserved after riding through the pain barrier for much of the season after his injury, a true World Champions grit and determination. And I, like I would suggest 99% of us on here will be admitting we were wrong to doubt his competitiveness for the GP series itself! I am so, so happy to be proved wrong. Good luck Tai, and enjoy your night.
  5. For the young whipper snappers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Craven
  6. When did our sport become such a joke? Had to laugh when Pearson declared that a rider in last nights match was R/R because he was riding for another team elsewhere. It just sounds ridiculous. R/R should be for injured riders only.
  7. Why is it any rider that is leading a race is always described 'smooth and stylish' on Sky?
  8. Yep, I am not sure it will catch on though, it could be a bit too radical maybe for some.
  9. Here is something unique.. how about the team that scores the most league points over the course of a season is declared the League Champions?
  10. Seriously... my glib answer earlier was because I did not think anyopne was so bloody stupid to doubt the benefits of using air fences. Speedway is a dangerous sport, and sadly serious incidents will happen, but watch any crash into an air fence and it is clear to see that serious injury can clearly be overcome hitting aiur oadded rather than hard wood, or in the case of exeter back in the day metal fencing.
  11. It's not media manipulation, it is just Nigel Pearson. Awful commentator.
  12. You dont care about British Speedway then, just your own club? For the good of British Speedway, within 5 years it should be at least 4 British riders per team.
  13. I do agree with your comments about promoters should not have to respond to every forum user, and fan and they do deserve more credit for using their money to keep the sport alive, but they could at least embrace the forum every now and again. I hope your quoted comments are not indicative of how promoters feel about fans that do not attend meetings. You talk about 'real fans', are you saying those real fans are only the ones that go meetings? I am perhaps one of those people who never go, who you seem to be dismissing if I am reading right and I am not entitled to an opinion on these forums because I don't go? I might not go now, but I did at one time, so does that mean I am no longer a fan? At one time I perhaps went to more speedway meetings than most fans, at one time I followed my team home and away, Glasgow one night, Exeter the next, and so on, I was always there in my crappy little Allegro that I owned back then. I never missed a meeting in years, spent thousands on following my team, put lots of money into promoters pockets around the UK, yet I no longer go because my club was lost to the sport and the passion to support another team is simply not there. But my love for speedway racing as not diminished. And if I am reading you correctly, I am not entitled to an opinion because I don't go to meetings and I choose this forum to express my views?
  14. How nice to have speedway commentated by two guys just letting the racing do most of the talking, and without demented screaming when it did get a bit exciting. Scott did well actually, as did the other guy, especially considering I am assuming they were London based not their live. Loved the little clip of Hans and Tai getting across Moscow, would love to see Sky or Eurosport do more stuff like that as fillers, to see the riders away from the tracks.
  15. You are the one now with the 'I told you so' posts. Well done you were right, 95% of us on here were all wrong. I for one am glad I was wrong, and I hope Tai goes all the way now.
  16. What a ridiculous comment, just because someone did worse things in the past, lets dimiss this latest incident. Seriously, you really suggesting that? My point is, people on here seem to excuse idiotic behaviour, just because the rider is from their favourite team or happens to be a speedway star.
  17. Even more impressive then. I think you are nit picking there.
  18. If they were not speedway riders would you still be wanting to see their good, or would you be calling them morons and other such names? So many people on here defend the indefensible simply because they wear speedway tinted glasses. Perhaps Ward should study Michael Lee and it may scare Ward enough to help him find the right path so his natural talent is not wasted.
  19. Not at all saying that, but we are being asked to feel sorry for two guys stuck in a hot booth watching speedway as some sort of excuse for inane ramblings. Your office work may well be like mine, hard work, and lots of stress, and far more challenging that sat in a hot booth watching speedway.
  20. Oh give me a break Philip. Do you really want us to feel sorry for them because they had to work hard for 3 hours sat watching speedway, talking down a microphone? I respect a soldier walking for 8+ hours or more in the desert, or the nurses running around looking after patients for several hours at a time, or the helpline volunteers who take emotionally draining calls from suicidal people for several hours at a time etc, etc, but I don't feel sorry for a commentator just because he was stuck in a hot booth for a few hours.
  21. True, but look at Pearson's Twitter, at one time, even construtive feedback was met with sarcastic 'thanks for watching' replies.
  22. I think that is even more impressive when we remember he rode through the pain barrier for the best part of a month with that damaged shoulder.
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