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Chris Brown

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Everything posted by Chris Brown

  1. At least the riders all want to ride and appear to be proud to ride for their country. Team GB had riders who struggled to decide whether to ride because they couldn't have their own sponsors on racesuits, Russian's want to be paid and the Poles aren't always Poles at all Oh the pride for riding for your country
  2. Really ? Pedersen gave him a slight nudge but boy did he go wide and for someone with the bike skills that he very clearly has then I found that very suprising. Personally having had the benefits of dozens of replays I would have said thta if anyone should go it would have been Holder Just an opinion
  3. Amazingly enough Pedersen's job was to win. Now I am no fan but tonight he did nothing wrong.....................apart from not win the final because as much as I dislike him 14/1 was too good to turn down
  4. No issue at all with Nicholls but I will take your view that banging into an opponent is a fair pass Just sharing my view, certainly not asking everyone to agree with it
  5. Get over yourself ! It was an individual event which has no bearing on a team event. I recall 2/3 years ago in the GP Lukas Dryml not giving Nicholls a lot of room and Scott went into a round of fisty cuffs, but clattering into another rider is OK ? Its just an opinion from someone who has seen the injuries caused to riders close to me, maybe I am touchy but I just don't feel that clattering into another rider is the correct way to pass, perhaps I am at odds with your view but don't use club loyalties to defend your views, it suggests a weak view ! If it was Nicki Pedersen in a GP there would be uproar.............No ?
  6. Just not sure the right way to make a pass is to clatter into the side of the other guy. I would say though that Scott Nicholls would absolutely not have accepted it with the same grace the Harris did, not a chance
  7. Crikey, imagine if it was someone running into Nicholls Harris showed his class by accepting it but sorry but that isn't the right way to pass someone
  8. Oh I don't know, at least I had a fiver on Greg at 10/1 so it wasn't all bad Mind you I had a fiver On Kolodziej at 25/1 too but less said the better
  9. Utter and totally typical disgrace from these people who will bleed speedway at any opportunity For your £2.99 you get NOTHING that you can use on GP night. If you want the draw its $0.99 per GP or $9.99 for the season. As said this is NOT mentioned until you have already spent your £2.99 Don't bother I was a critic of Snowfunk but I apologise as this was great value compared to the BSI rip off
  10. I remember there was some comment about them being poor last year and a commitment that it would get sorted Went to the Millennium today and both screens are brand new and very impressive in terms of picture quality
  11. The SOS group at Oxford will be sponsoring a heat at the Ben Fund meeting and as part of the sponsorship have 2 VIP tickets for the meeting which include admission to the VIP area within the stadium It was always our intention to sell these tickets on and therefore are looking for a buyer for 2 VIP tickets with the proceeds raised going back into the Ben Fund pot So if anyone is interested please PM me with a sensible offer. If a sensible offer is received before tomorrow evening then we will sell them, if not then I will put them on Ebay on Saturday and see what we can get for them Admission is £15 so I would class a sensible offer to be above standard admission and as I said all the proceeds will go back to the Ben Fund Cheers
  12. You are correct Craig in that it is a choice as to whether to use it. I guess my questions would centre around a couple of things 1. The vast majority of apps for iPhone you pay for and they are yours, there is not an ongoing annual subscription . You sight Kandysoft as an example but those are a one of charge 2. Why not just charge in the first place rather than put it out there free, get people using it and then introduce an annual price 3. Why has the SGP branding disappeared.............was it that if you charged some would have to go to them ? Just be interested in your thoughts Its a great app but doesn't do much that other non paying media can do for you
  13. I used it last year as it was a freebie app and pretty useful A shame to see it now being charged for so I am another who won't be bothering, charging per season is taking the mickey Never mind, survived without it before and will do again Be interesting to know why the SGP branding has all gone, sounds liek the greedy gits running the GP series also wanted their cut maybe !
  14. That assumes its a one way street as far as the pathetic winding up posts go on this subject Sadly its not the case and the dozens of others (in fairness mainly from Coventry) who bite are just as bad and feed him If you all ignored him he might just go away as far as this subject is concerned
  15. What as customers of the respective businesses, you expect to be told what is happening. I suspect that you are expected to keep quiet and wait until the egos involved decide you are entitled to know.....................or until Rosco puts it on Facebook
  16. Well after 67 pages of crap, finally a sensible statement With you 100% on this one. And when it is sorted out lets hope all the egos on either side are just pleased there is an outcome and there is no 'victory' parade carried out on here
  17. I agree but he is not still involved in the running of a club. Sorry but there is right way to announce club news and whatever you may think of anyone else its NOT through Facebook Not really sure what this has to do with that bloke anyway. Its Rossiter that was the unprofessional one or would you be happy that all yoru clubs PR is done through Facebook
  18. Oh the professionaism of that man Is bleedin Facebook really the place that this sort of thing should come out on. I guess I we should nothing better from him really
  19. Clearly you are not a regular poster but for the sake of your fellow Coventry fans and all of the others on this list PLEASE don't start with that kind of attitude There is enough of them on the south coast to last us a lifetime
  20. Well lets hope so and also hope that no rules were changed to accommodate them or we will just this charade every year when a club doesn't like one fo the democratically voted rules
  21. Steve Poo le did exactly this last season with Joe Screen in order to manipulate averages and you saw nothing wriong with it then. What's difference ?
  22. Good god are you still crapping on about this Seems that every other Poole fans has moved on but you Steve Maybe you need another holiday !!!
  23. Then I say you and others who are unable to control themselves should have a good long look at yourselves Its a flippin sport for goodness sake, get a grip
  24. It must be something about Swindon Steve, because it was the same track that Joe Screen developed a predictable and imaginary injury last season What is it about Swindon !!
  25. Matej Kus is the new Czech Champion after scoring 13 points at Prague tonight to finish 1 ahead of Lukas Dryml who recorded a maximum on the night. Lukas finished 2nd in the series with Hynek Stichauer beating Ales Dryml in a run off for 3rd
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