It never works like that though, does it? Look at all the changes to F1 over the years to bring the costs down but the budget for the teams always increases every year!
Speedway bikes are relatively simple so it's hard to see where cost savings can be made.
Interestiing interview with Peter Kildemand:
Sounds like he is very much committed to the Robins and determined to improve his average again this coming season.
Glad he is committed to the EL - very exciting rider.
Well said Andy. I think we tend to forget this fact when we are slagging off individuals and the sport in general. We keep being told it is a minority sport but one benefit to this is it's personal touch.
Got to agree with you there Skidder. Trouble is we now live in a world of instant information/news overload and can't cope when we don't have all the information immediately to hand.
However did we cope waiting for a newspaper or direct word of mouth at meetings etc?