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Everything posted by TesarRacing

  1. It never works like that though, does it? Look at all the changes to F1 over the years to bring the costs down but the budget for the teams always increases every year! Speedway bikes are relatively simple so it's hard to see where cost savings can be made.
  2. Excellent news - will be going to this meeting!
  3. ...........so there is no rift or falling out! Hmmm!
  4. Don't rise to it CR, your'e better than that!!
  5. That's true but I really think PK is a bit different to a lot of riders and genuinely enjoys riding in the UK.
  6. Well said Bagpuss - you obviously have a lot of common sense.
  7. Interestiing interview with Peter Kildemand: http://www.flicwiltshirenews.com/Sport/Speedway/Kildemand-wants-to-end-career-with-the-Robins.aspx#.Usu1L9JdV8F Sounds like he is very much committed to the Robins and determined to improve his average again this coming season. Glad he is committed to the EL - very exciting rider.
  8. I would say SCB is one of the fairer criticisers of the Poole promotion and will actually defend their actions if justified.
  9. Definitely great value for the ST. I just hope it is sustainable at that price for the promotion/management.
  10. Objection? Surely not. We have just had 6 pages of justification of Milik's average!!
  11. Lets just edit the whole thread and start again.........
  12. Might be an idea to edit this spelling of the above word or the Oxford English Dictionary might be coming out again!!!
  13. To be fair though, it wasn't just British riders then though was it?
  14. Not sure if he has retired but last I heard he wasn't interested in coming back to ride in the UK.
  15. Well said Andy. I think we tend to forget this fact when we are slagging off individuals and the sport in general. We keep being told it is a minority sport but one benefit to this is it's personal touch.
  16. Got to agree with you there Skidder. Trouble is we now live in a world of instant information/news overload and can't cope when we don't have all the information immediately to hand. However did we cope waiting for a newspaper or direct word of mouth at meetings etc?
  17. He's that laid back and must be a mate of Mick Hortons so he could probably do both jobs!!!!
  18. No, he's found his old one and had it reground!!
  19. I predict a riot!! If that turns out to be true woz01 then perhaps we should be applauding the powers that be rather than knocking them!!
  20. Not sure if Steve has a presence on here but he is on Facebook and I am sure he would appreciate a message.
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