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Everything posted by TesarRacing

  1. There's a bit too much hysteria going on around Poole's replacement following Darcy's unfortunate injury methinks!!
  2. It wasn't just Coventry fans - I seem to remember it was supporters of all teams - just sayin'.......
  3. You are absolutely right Steve, there is no certainty that anyone will win the SGP Title - there are plenty of riders over the years that should have won it like Leigh Adams for example. However, Darcy has far too much talent on a speedway bike to miss out in my opinion. As SS states - could well be this year! Anyway onto Pirate matters - the team looks good once again this year, should be another good season of EL racing in Poole!
  4. ............all down hill now then!!! He will definitely be world champion at some stage, probably sooner rather than later.
  5. Are you two married! Give it a rest. On to the speedway - I think Brummies could just take it although Lakeside must start as favourites.
  6. Hope he is keeping well - another legend on a speedway bike!!!
  7. My point is still the same - I have a lot of time for people who have the humilty to say they have made a mistake/said the wrong thing in the heat of the moment and come out publicly and say they were wrong. Whereas, I have have no respect whatsoever for so called supporters to sit behind their keyboard and slag off promoters in this extremely difficult economic climate but haven't the guts to speak to the man in person! I don't think you have made a point yet.....................
  8. ...and your point is? I will gladly share some of said pie with Mick if it means Coventry get back on track this Friday and I am not even a Bees supporter!
  9. Not necessarily, does that include 1st & 10th or actually in-between?!!
  10. I need a doctor - is there one in the house I wonder?!!
  11. Yes, but that's was makes him such an exciting rider - I guess you could put Darcy Ward in the same bracket.
  12. What happened to the post from Poole Quay 7 regarding the Poole press day report?
  13. Interesting points of view especially regarding some of the great riders of the past which was when I first started watching speedway. I got hooked on speedway then - in the 70's but despite how much it has changed, I love it just as much now. Back to my original question: If the worlds top riders were willing/able to ride in the UK would it be sustainable? Would it bring back the crowds to make the sport viable - maybe even make money?!! How would that affect the PL? I do often wonder where we would be now if the top riders had never migrated to other European leagues and stayed here. Would the higher attendances have been maintained or was it an inevitability that the sport would decline. I know it is all hypothetical but it is such an interesting debate.
  14. New team sponsors for the Panthers: http://www.peterboroughpanthers.co/news.php?extend.2040.2
  15. Completely hypothetical I know but referencing the quote from GRW123 below on Peter Collins award in EL section: That's impressive when considering the quality of the opposition. This was the time when British Speedway ruled the world, and EVERYBODY wanted to race in our league. Wonderful memories, Wonderful times, Brilliant Speedway. So pleased I was able to live and enjoy the iconic period of 1970's (Make love not war !!!) What would the speedway leagues in the UK be like now if all the best riders in the world wanted to ride in the UK and make this country their priority league?
  16. I think both Pawlicki brothers are Poles that have the ability to adapt to the smaller tracks in the UK which is why they do well over here. The more I look at this Wolves team - the more I like it!!
  17. I know I have said it on the thread previously but I think this boy is going to have an excellent season. I think for Wolves to be challenging for honours this year Ty will need to be performing as he was last season. Wolves could be the dark horses again!!
  18. ............and here was me thinking the pedal had dropped off!!!
  19. Nice words from great local sponsors City Gearboxes: http://www.coventrybees.co/news.php?extend.2590 Great to hear of people that want to get behind our up and coming riders!
  20. Where is this stadium? Is it close to Barwell then?
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