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Everything posted by ytsejam

  1. I reckon one or two more Lynn riders will become unfit during the early part of meeting 2 and then they meeting will be forfeited as they only have 3 riders left!!..... Result for Chapman as he's fooled the mugs.... er... sorry, fans, out of £25 each to witness yet another utter farce at the AFA!
  2. Exactly!! It beggars belief the utter crap that comes out of Pearson's mouth each week "Another brilliant night of speedway" he spouts! don't think there was one lead change (after the first bend) all night!
  3. Said this will happen a couple of weeks ago, don't know why anyone would think any otherwise with the jokers in charge of Brit speedway these days!.
  4. Ain't going to happen i.m.o. Some teams aren't going to get all their matches in or you're going to get meeting after meeting with just 2 or 3 riders from the actual team they are representing and the other 4/5 are going to be guests, often of VERY dubious quality!!...All in all it will be yet another farcical nail in the coffin of British speedway.
  5. Uhmmm....please explain how this is "effectively ruling him out for NEXT season"....as I can't quite see how this is the case seeing that he will be able to ride in the UK again at the start of April 2018!
  6. Uhmm, yes, I got that wrong for sure!! Underestimated just how bad Lynn are now, I'm afraid! Owners/promoters have to concentrate on what makes them the money these days I'm afraid and the fact is that apart from the odd 'special' speedway meeting (like the World Cup) the Stockies brings in far bigger crowds than the speedway does and also more entertainment too most of the time!!.
  7. Agree, it was a heck of a good result for Somerset when you consider the utterly embarassing efforts of their number 1 (shows how low British speedway has sunk when you have dross like Lawson as a teams no.1 rider!!!!).
  8. Lynn will win this tonight as its probably their easiest meeting left of the season and apart from the forthcoming Leicester home match, it may also be the last meeting they do win this season!
  9. Ain't ever going to see a meeting at Lynn "pushed through" without a break or delays!!....just think of all the catering revenue Chapman will miss out on if people actually have something to watch all the time and aren't just hanging around bored stiff 'cos nothings happening!!
  10. Not "knee jerk" at all! I'm a million miles away from being a fan of Chapman but fully back his actions in this 100%,fair play to him for making a stand. At least Lynn will now have a team who want to ride each week and will give 100%
  11. Really can't see Holder ever riding for Lynn again after those words from Chapman today!! He says "some top flight riders" so who else is he refering to?...can't be Batchelor as we have been assured that he was injured and SURELY we wouldn't be lied to, would we?!!
  12. I wouldn't worry about Wednesday, I've heard that they is a possibility of a rain shower tomorrow morning, so the meeting will be called off by 10am no doubt....or have Lynn potentially got a much stronger team this week?!!!
  13. Have to agree that Kennett will be an improvement on the disgraceful KK but he's not exactly going to transform Poole from a 4th/5th placed club to a Champuionship winning one. First season in many that I can remember, that Poole are basically just "also rans" when it comes to actually winning the league/play offs.
  14. So you was up and at work between 4 ish and 5 am this morning then was you to witness this biblical amount of rain fall and drains not being able to cope?! That was the only time it has really rained in the past few days. Stop making excuses for the farcical call off today, we all know the real reason and like I said, if you're happy to be treated like this then thats fair play to you but don't expect everyone else to be happy to be "trod upon" Oh by the way, EVERY other speedway meeting in the UK today somehow managed to beat the Noahs Ark type floods and get their meetings on...amazing eh?!
  15. You make some good points to be fair but where do you draw the line? Last week's farce and today's pathetic excuse for postponing a meeting when there hasn't been a drop of rain since about 5am this morning, just shows that the management/owners of the club are taking the loyal fans for a ride and treating them with disdain. You CAN bury your head in the sand and ignore their actions and that's fine, fair play to you, but I think a lot of people have had enough of being treated like fools and aren't just going to ignore it.
  16. Or more accurately a "NO RAIN rain off"!!!!.... I've heard of it raining cats and dogs but chickens is a new one on me and today's farce must involve at least ONE of them I.M.O. KL speedway is utterly ridiculous at the moment, sadly
  17. Live a few miles from the track. We had one storm in the night (about 4.30am) and a decent amount of rain. Since then its been dry, quite sunny at times, humid and windy which has dried up what rain fell, really quickly. Local forecast is for a (54%) possibility of a thunderstorm around 5 - 6 ish with about 0.15 inches of rain and then a lovely pleasant evening. The call off is an utter farce and clearly because Lynn have no team for tonight. Once again Chapman is taking the mickey out of Lynn's fans and speedway in general. Lynn supporters need to have a long look at themselves and think hard about how they are being treated, before the next scheduled (depending on which way the wind is blowing that day!) meeting at Lynn.
  18. Don't know why you say that though as the sooner Poole get rid of the waste of space KK, the better for them. Has been as big a liability as I (and many others) said he would be, before the season even started.
  19. Don't worry, he's like "superman"! His hand injuries heal within a few hours, so with nearly 48 hours to go yet, there will be no worry!!!
  20. I've heard that they will be using the time and opportunity to practice their new range of "monkey noises" in time for Saturdays GP!!
  21. Well said, spot on. Sadly though we both know that both Batchelor and Holder will still be in the side on Wednesday and that 90% of the Lynn supporters (who obviously like being treated like mushrooms and fools!) will be right behind them and cheering them on as if nothing happened!
  22. Must admit the Eurosport coverage does at times, seem a little odd when they unneccesarily cut out races. However it's good that we still get some coverage of the "lesser" championships from them and in Dave Rowe, they have a commentator who actually COMMENTATES all through the race, even when it gets exciting!. The moronic "monkey noise" shouty twins on BT should take note!!.....but of course, they will still stick to their "man out of the crowd" style of amateurish "shouting and screaming" as that's all they are capable of.
  23. The sheer bace faced cheek of him! You'd have thought he would have used a TINY bit of common sense if he wanted to try to make people actually believe he was injured last night and not have ridden again for a few days at least!. Shows just what he thinks of the KL fans and management, mind you, "most" of them (and no doubt Chapman) will all be worshipping him (and Holder) again next Wednesday, no doubt! ( I did say "MOST" as I do know some Lynn fans who have morals, so it's not fair to label them all the same)
  24. Noooooooooooo......it won't be close, much more like 53 - 37.
  25. Agree totally, has no loyalty to Britain at all. He should be booed by the fans at Cardiff not treated like a hero which no doubt 99% of the crowd will do for some reason!
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