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Everything posted by ytsejam

  1. You are correct, Cardiff is, most years, the most over hyped and boring GP of the year, so last night's "decent" GP made a pleasant change from the rubbish we normally get. The racing WOULD be 10 times better at Belle Vue but sadly, quality exciting racing isn't the main concern of the GP series anymore, even more so when it comes to the British GP, it's all about the "glitz and glamour", as you say.
  2. After a few years of UTTER DROSS at Cardiff (as evidenced by the crowd size), last night was much improved and it seems like they have survived the last chance saloon, to go again next year! Hopefully it will be even better next year and not back to what we had suffered previously!! Well done to Vaculik, he could be the main challenger to BS for the title next season (unless the Ruskies are back of course!)
  3. Might be a bit late to the party but discovered (sic) that on Discovery+ you can turn off the commentary and just have the ambient sound instead. Was the most enjoyable coverage I've seen for a long time watching it that way!!
  4. Great meeting last night, more than made up for the very poor semi’s and run offs earlier in the week. GB came so close but were let down by “Mr Ego” and the Danes did far better than I thought too (also let down by their Mr Ego!!!!) We should have this format every year, not just once in three i.m.o.
  5. Is tonight not being shown on Eurosport? EDIT: just paged back a little way and found the answer.
  6. Why on EARTH does Harris not hang up his helmet before he makes even more a fool of himself!!
  7. What a complete and utter load of CRAP this is. Has Cardiff got a serious rival for the worst GP track ever?! People who have paid money for this rubbish deserve a full refund and then some, as means of compensation for having to sit through that!!
  8. This man (Chapman) clearly thinks that ALL speedway fans are completely stupid if he thinks anyone is going to fall for this pathetic joke of an excuse!!! Utter disgrace!
  9. Oh of course, silly me, I should have looked at every post made in here before I dared have the cheek to make my own comment! ..and if you don’t think that people have reasons to complain about that bore fest (again!) with, what was it, ONE change of leader after the first bend in 23 races, then your “lightened up world” must be a real fantasy land!
  10. So rather than making an argument or point as to why the post is wrong in your opinion, you just make a stupid comment instead. For me, the post was 100% spot on….of course he won’t win every GP but he WILL be World Champion again barring injury, whether you like it or not!! Head and shoulders better than all the rest (baring Laguta, but even he may not be able to compete with him anymore, after being out of big time speedway for so long). I guess after that (unsurprisingly) dreadful first GP of the season the only way is up….hopefully!!
  11. Also when the opposition riders aren’t trying too!! LOL
  12. Whichever way you look at it and he HAS done well this season, no-one can objectively deny that him and Holder, HAVE let their team down badly in the Final. I expected EXACTLY that from Holder but will admit that I didn’t expect Howarth to be so poor too.
  13. Well done BV, never in doubt, Sheffield let down badly by Holder and Howarth over the two legs.
  14. ….and I hasten to add, ably assisted by their joke captain Howarth!!
  15. Holder over the two legs has let his side down, not unexpected though!
  16. All over now…..got a bit closer than I expected at one stage, but BV were never going to chuck away 12 points tonight.
  17. Brave decision by the ref as it has just handed the Championship to.BV. WAS the correct decision though.
  18. I would imagine or certainly HOPE that he was too embarrassed by that shameful performance from his team to want to show his face on TV!!
  19. The complete lack of interest and dearth of replies to this thread sum up what a waste of time tonight’s meeting is going to be!!!
  20. Absolutely spot on!!...I gave up after 6 heats, any "neutral" who managed to sit through that whole farce with any enthusiasm deserves a medal!.......or alternatively, locking up!!!
  21. I agree about seeing the much better BV track instead of MG, but the plays offs are normally about tension, excitement and edge of your seat important heats. There will be NONE of that tonight, just a meeting going through the motions.
  22. Even if Ipswich had have brought in Lambert, rather than BV, there’s still no way they could possibly chuck this away!, Relax and enjoy it
  23. Oh dear!!!…..as if this meeting isn’t going to be a farcical waste of time!….don’t be such a bed wetter!!
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