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Everything posted by ytsejam

  1. Well said. He acts like a spoilt little brat sometimes who wants his cake AND to eat it too. When it comes to his "Nationality" he has used his "British" passport to his advantage when we was an up and coming rider but deep down his public actions really do make you question which country he has more affection for? Excellent rider, lucky to be at his peak now though when there is very little opposition to him (especially without poor Darcy and because of Emil's self imposed GP exile) so will no doubt win a few more World titles before he retires. Still don't like him though!!....
  2. Uhmmm...when you see 35 year olds at reserve (Wilkinson at Lynn) then I think that the BSPA's "illusion/intention" with this idea really is seriously exposed for what it really is!....an utter farce!!
  3. ....let alone the tedious "ready, steady, go" vocals behind the replays EVERY SINGLE TIME!!
  4. Belle Vue ARE very strong but this is a very worrying result for Lynn as they will only get weaker when Ivo leaves in a few weeks time!!
  5. Hahaha.....what a complete and utter FARCE!!! yet there will still be some fools in here sticking up for the BV promoters!! Why was a meeting for next week already cancelled if they "thought" they could race this Friday?!...and yet people still actually believed it would be on
  6. Why has this meeting for next week already been cancelled when BV are still hoping to run on Friday THIS week?!!....Is it all another attempt at face saving by BV and they already know that Fridays meeting will NOT take place but darent admit it yet?!!
  7. What an embarrassingly pathetic excuse! Should be ashamed of himself for that disgraceful statement and offer his resignation as Chief Executive.
  8. Uhmmm.....isn't a nearly 35 year old "British" rider in the draft system, just a little bit stupid and a bit of an abuse to the original idea of it all?!!! Speedway scraping the barrel again when it comes to British talent!!!....can't they find anymore "Australians" who they can convert to British?!!!
  9. SPOT ON, been the most boring and predictable GP series for a long long time with only really one realistic winner from day 1. Sadly, it could be like that for a few more seasons and unless Emil either changes his mind or some of the Polish youngsters really move forward and step up a level, Woffenden is going to have it easy for a while and win some "cheap" titles. The fact that Harris has qualified for yet another season of embarrassment and a 45 year old is the only serious challenger to Woffenden, really does sum up the sad state and quality level of the GP's right now
  10. People WILL go to individual meetings IF the quality of riders is attractive enough. That though, requires promoters hands being put deep into pockets to find the necessary money to attract those riders and could possibly be why none of these events have taken place!!!.......
  11. I DO agree with that!!.....they really are pointless 99% of the time and the riders will do what they want, WHEN they want, 99% of the time too!!
  12. Well, yes that WOULD have been possible so therefore it probably also negates the argument about the "2 "points altogether then as Poole could still have got a 5 -1 even if the referee/starter had had done their job correctly!
  13. Very true and despite the "gogglegate" scenario, I'm pleased for DARCY that Poole won, it must have lifted his spirits.
  14. Yes I was , as the BEST Poole could have got from that heat would have been 3 - 3 and therefore 2 less points for them and 2 more for Belle Vue.
  15. RUBBISH!.............................but not in the way you think I mean it!!...IF people actually thought about things rather than just follow the others like sheep, you'd realise that IF Newman had been disqualified from that heat on Monday (rightly or wrongly), then Poole would have had 2 less points and Belle Vue 2 MORE, so it WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN A GOLDEN HEAT at all!!!..........I wish people would actually think before they post!!
  16. Oh dear...this result is going to stir up some sh** now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. As a "neutral" in here (seems like you have to either love or hate Poole to be allowed to post in here!) I think that the 2 points should be taken away from Newman and given to Belle Vue as rules are rules and just because the officials are so incompetent (as nearly always!) and didnt appear to know them, then there's no reason that errors like that can't be rectified after the event. Would make the second leg a little more interesting too if BV had a 4 point lead going into it! Mind you, Poole are going to be so fired up for Darcy though that I think BV would need a 15 point lead to have any chance anyway. Janowski was a total embarrassment though last night (and showed why he will never ever be a really World class rider) and owes it to Poole to put in a top performance on Wednesday and if he does, then there will only be one winner and to be fair, Poole would be worthy winners over the course of the whole season.
  18. Without doubt, in fact I'd say its one of the rides of ANY season, ever!!
  19. What an amazing ride from the most talented rider in the world (now poor Darcy is out) and just WHAT a difference in the quality of the racing there has been between tonight's amazing meeting and the utter rubbish of last night!!
  20. Once again the cretins at SKY have a big say in a meeting not being finished. YES, they DID get on with it quickly for the first 8 or 9 heats but then when it looked like the weather was going to hold off and they knew that the meeting would definitely have enough heats for the result to stand, then the whole meeting went into "slow motion"! This was no doubt greatly influenced by SKY who needed the meeting to last longer than it looked like it was going to, to fill up their allotted programme time. YES, its only one race but once again the paying public lose out cos of the TV
  21. Rather than swapping the times when it is held a better idea would to be actually have the Worlds BEST riders in it for once, rather than the mediocre lot (with a few exceptions) that are in it at the moment!
  22. Such a shame that by far the greatest talent in World speedway has, SO FAR, wasted his talent due to his own stupidity, but lets hope he has finally learnt his lesson and we will now benefit from seeing his skills on the World platform for many many years to come. Really hope he has a wildcard for the GP next season (along with the next best rider in the World, Emil) as the series desperately needs a big injection of quality after this years weak competition and the foregone conclusion (injury permitting) "cheap" World title win for Woffendon
  23. Hope for some more good racing from the Swedish League even if the actual result is basically a foregone conclusion before the meeting even starts!!..I mean, Jason Doyle as RESERVE!!!!!!!!
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