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Everything posted by TB1

  1. Freedoms eroding by the day, however I do get the feeling that some who agreed with the original restrictions back in March are now starting to get itchy feet! However I still cannot believe that hardly anyone in the media is holding the government to account!
  2. Beware Bwitcher they may send us to Coventry for this!
  3. So then new restrictions on gatherings and the possibility of a 10pm curfew! Yet this country full of fools still believes they are acting in our best interests. Get real people and realise we are now living n a totalitarian state! Yes infections are rising but what matters is hospital admissions and more importantly deaths, which have fallen through the floor. So for those who agree with it then get your vaccination and microchip and the rest of us will continue to enjoy what freedoms left we have!
  4. Undoubtedly all the crap we had from HM government in March will happen again. I just cannot believe hardly no one is challenging anything! Desmond Swayne MP just said on tv that he would expect to lose a vote on his views if their was one, however as he stated his right to have a debate and a vote is a cornerstone of democracy, worrying times ahead for all our freedoms I'm afraid.
  5. As anyone ever considered that COVID might stand for control of vaccination for identification? In other words take your medicine or leave your face nappy on for ever!
  6. Can the next person who thinks a ' second wave' is going to hit us please send me a feckin surf board so I can ride it. I'm fed up to the back teeth of people without knowing the facts assuming we are all doomed.
  7. The latest radio propaganda sorry 'advert' from the government is a cafe owner who at the end says ' we must all follow the guidelines to stay open'. Now I take this a veiled threat that if you don't do as you are told then we are all back on the naughty step. When is anybody going to stand up to this dictatorship?
  8. Probably true, indeed one well known national journalist said on radio the other day that he was shocked that almost no one is challenging the government and the policies. In fact the opposition agree with them, just not the way they are implemented. Democracy died a long time ago.
  9. Unfortunately we are all now prisoners in this totalitarian state!
  10. Numbers and figures are often manipulated by various organisations. Indeed on average 1300 people die in England every days of all causes. Unfortunately the government chose not to make that clear. I draw my own opinions and not what 'our' media wants us to believe.
  11. Nope the army will deliver a food parcel to your door.And yes people in food production would work, just that food would be rationed.
  12. This just goes to prove how effective government propaganda can be? Unfortunately large swaves of the population will currently believe any ole crap that is peddled by Downing street. I'm not being flippant but surely if a virus WAS as deadly as stated that why are not permanently under house arrest? Not popping to the shops for a sandwich etc but proper locked down, where you are not allowed to leave your house for anything. I afraid we've been sold a dud and it's working!
  13. I would say disastrous for many organisations not just sports clubs. Once again more mixed messaging bollox from the government. I think george Orwells 1984 is slowly becoming a reality as they assimilate control of us all. I get that some people are afraid and will do as they are told however if Putin was about to invade and the government said we must all bear arms then would people actually follow this advice?
  14. I've heard sales of wheelbarrow are going to go through the roof next year, as we will all need them to carry our cash when inflation goes through the roof!
  15. 14th july sounds positive and I guess that way we will know one way or the other. Unfortunately HM Government have done a splendid job of convincing most of the population that we are all going to die in a fire pit of hell that some tracks might struggle to get punters in. After it is already evidently clear that a great number of watering holes are close to collapse due to struggling numbers!
  16. Lockdown is a term used in an American penitentiary when prisoners are rioting. It's a bloody awful term like social and distancing. Presumably it's the media that have started the use of these god awful words?
  17. Local police authorities must have saved an eye watering amount these last few months not having to police town centres and major sports events and the like. Its interesting how the media never seems to report this.
  18. Absolutely spot on! The government has made mistakes that generations after us will pay for. In times gone by most of us have seen recessions but not many living have seen a depression! What does it look like, maybe like a scene from mad max? More worryingly now the government has control of our lives they'll want to keep it that way!
  19. Asked on Facebook when fans could look forward to seeing him back in British speedway, Holder told the Australian Speedway Championships: “I definitely want to be racing back in England. Without the GPs it opens up your schedule a lot more. “The past couple of years I have been battling to get hold of a visa. “I finally got one for this year and was planning to start the year. “Because the visa didn’t come in until the last minute at the end of February, I didn’t have time to get bikes and I had nowhere to live in England. This is an interesting piece from Chris Holder in the Bournemouth echo! I guess there are some things we may never know!
  20. All very good and very valid points. What I would like to see from government is some kind of financial modelling for the road ahead, ie what kind and type of tax rises will be needed to fund this lockdown. Some estimates for furloughling millions of staff is around 60 billion. Then there is the huge cost of lost business. Even a successful business may struggle further down the line if their suppliers have gone bust. It was mentioned earlier on that BA may have to make a quarter of their pilots redundant, but it doesn't end there. If pilots are made redundant so will plane crews, ground staff, check in staff, cleaners caterers and the list goes on. Looking at a speedway scenario,if multiple tracks disappear it is the riders without a job, the track staff, the suppliers ie the companies that supply the methonol, the shale, the spairs, the maintenance people, the programme printers, the caterers, the track shop and so on. The way I see it the longer this goes on the more likely that the economy WILL never recover or at least in some kind of form that we know. And given what we have seen from Government I really think they don't know which way to turn. Let's just hope we get out of lockdown as quickly as possible and salvage what we can otherwise the current horrible death toll could be much much higher as a result of the lockdown itself.
  21. Going slightly off topic but I noticed over the weekend ( and not much about it in the press) but the chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee has accused the Chinese of being less than transparent over their reporting of the virus! Me thinks he's stuck his hand in a hornet's nest.
  22. I hope will can all share that optimism. How companies get off the ground is going to be the big tellar. Unfortunately these days the proportion of income spend on leisure activities is much higher than it was years ago. For example 18- 20 pounds admission to a premiership meeting when say the average take home pay is 300 to 400 pound is a much higher average than many years ago. I remember as a kid going to Foxhall in the early 80s and the adult admission was around 50p. Not bad considering the average take home wage was probably about 50 to 60 pounds.
  23. I can see sponsorship or indeed the lack of it being a huge issue. I get the point of showing events on tv, even on a pay per view basis. However if or when we get through this then thousands of companies will be reliant on trying to survive the aftermath and keep afloat. Sponsoring sports events will probably be last on the agenda.
  24. All good points and I think that speedway like many other sports will need a rethink after this. However it can depend on your point of view. If you were a Swindon or Leicester fan in 2020, then things were good. On the other hand if you supported Peterborough then you might view things differently. Personally as an Ipswich fan I throughly enjoyed the season back in the top flight where I think we belong. And this season whilst initially i was sceptical about signing Jason Crump i do think the rest of the team is solid and I really hope we see something this season and the Crump signing will have my support. As far as the witches are concerned I fell like last year the club got its mojo back like days of old. Looking forward I strongly think that finances will dictate a lot and some things including sport will just not be the same. Just look at sponsorship, are companies going to be laying out money if possibly after upto 3 months of shutdown they are trying to rebuild business if indeed they are lucky enough to still be in business?
  25. I agree totally with what you say. I don't think any form of spectator sport will take place in the UK this year. However in speedway terms if this is the case I would like wherever possible to see this years teams effectively transferred to next year. In effect the 2020 season taking place in 2021 with the same declaration of teams.
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